Request Project Support

Use this form to request monetary support from Citizens Oversight!

If you have provided a service to Citizens Oversight in the form of oversight of a critical public meeting where a stipend was offered, use this form to claim your stipend.

You do NOT need to register on the this wiki platform to submit a support.

PLEASE NOTE! Citizens Oversight is a non-partisan organization that does not support or oppose specific candidates or party politics. However, we do take part in helping democratic systems run right through -- you guessed it -- citizens providing desperately needed oversight!

If you earn more than $600 in any year, we must submit an IRS form 1099 so you can properly pay your taxes. If we need your Social Security Number, we will call you.

AFTER YOU SUBMIT THIS FORM and your request is approved, then you will receive an email from our bank to set up your bank account information so we can send you the money. After you have set that up, in a few days, the money should be deposited in the account you established.

PLEASE NOTE! We also do not mind if you provide your service for free or partially for free as a donation to us. The tax code does not allow you to deduct your time, however.

Monetary Support Request
Please complete the following form. This information will be emailed to us.
Required information is highlighted.
Please: no sensitive information! BUT... Be as complete as you can.
We will call you to obtain any further information.
For Jurisdiction, pleast list the counties or other jurisdictions the request pertains to.
*PRIVACY NOTICE:* we do not sell or give away your information!
My Full Name:
My Email:
My Main Phone:
My Address:
My City:
My State My Zip:
My Organization (if any):
My Website:
Describe what you did:
What did we offer?
List the Files Uploaded
Links to online media
Describe status
Other comments, if any
Total Amount Requested:
No Robots!

Topic revision: r2 - 02 Oct 2020, RaymondLutz
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