Pat Hurley

The Democratic Party is the party of family values and equal opportunity. It brought about Social Security, Medicare, affordable access to higher education, veterans benefits, and programs to improve the lives of all Americans, not just the rich and priviledged. Democratic programs expanded the middle class and reduced poverty. The party stands for affordable healthcare, public safety, retirement security, a clean environment, living wages, and equal rights for all.

But the gains made in the Great Depression are fast eroding. Most Americans now realize the country is headed in the wrong direction. The purpose of the Democratic club is to learn what your issues are and what solutions you support and to report the findings to our leadership. If you feel the Democratic Party is too far in one direction or another, then let your voice be heard. But changes cannot come about, the middle class cannot be saved, a corrupt Congress will not be reformed, nothing can be accomplished without the participation fo those who care about their future and the future of their children. There is strength in numbers. Come and make a difference.

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Contact Form edit

Organization Santee Democratic Club
Name Last Hurley
Name First Pat
Position Title
City State Zip
Phone1 619-258-9190
Type Group
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Aug 2009, RaymondLutz
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