Latest News July 8th, Board of Governors' meeting Please attend the meeting at the SouthwesternCollege main campus, 900 Otay Lakes Rd, Chula Vista, 6:30p meet fo...
LATEST NEWS * Southwestern College will send its police academy students to the Blackwater Lodge and Training Center in Otay Mesa for weapons training under an...
BlackwaterTopicsList This topic can be included in other topics to provide a list of other links of interest for visitors interested in Blackwater. BlackwaterWor...
Read and endorse our Open Letter To Congress regarding dismissal of Blackwater and enactment of the Stop Outsourcing Security Act. Blackwater Worldwide (formerly...
EventsArchive2009 January 2009 * 04 Jan 2009 CurrentEventsTheater, Loose Change Final Cut ElCajonLibrary (1:30pm)Video will start promptly at 2:00pm NOT...
KeywordList Include this in the Media Form table to allow dynamic generation. Normally, it is possible to use a topic to list the options but the select item is c...
NEWS RELEASE Ray Lutz for Congress 2010www.VoteRayLutz.comMedia Contact: Brennan Purtzer, Media Director619 447 3246 / FOR IMMEDIATE RELE...
House passes small business lending bill The congressional stalemate on the small business lending bill, H. R. 5297, ended today at 3:03 pm. The House approved th...
Most inhabitants of idyllic Potrero like the place just the way it is. Thanks anyway, Blackwater. By Pat Sherman 02/12/2008 Though a controversial military contra...
Students to use firing range at Blackwater site UNION TRIBUNE 2:00 a.m. February 9, 2009 OTAY MESA Southwestern College will send its police academy students to...
Governing board sets deal with Blackwater Filner, faculty rip SWC pact with "mercenaries" By: Esmeralda F. Ramirez Posted: 3/5/09 Southwestern College has ente...
* bw swc mou 1 28 09.pdf: SWC BW MOU January 28, 2009 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Governing Board Southwestern Community College District APPROVED BY: Raj K. Co...
LOCAL LETTERS It's a new (bad) name, but same Blackwater 2:00 a.m. February 28, 2009 About the company formerly known as Blackwater: Is a bad name the same as a ...
SAN DIEGO A San Diego congressman plans to ask Southwestern College to rescind its plans to partner with the private security company formerly known as Blackwat...
Southwestern to rework training contract with Xe 2:00 a.m. March 12, 2009 CHULA VISTA: Southwestern College's governing board voted last night to renegotiate its ...
At this meeting, they should have simply reconsidered the prior motion, and then voted it down, thereby allowing a new motion to be put forward based on a renegot...
* LetterToSouthwesternCollege_requestingBWCorrespondence.pdf: Letter to Southwestern College Requesting Blackwater Documents. Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPs) ...
Blackwater like Procinctu Group Project Given Hearing without Notice Riverside County Board of Supervisors conduct mock hearing on March 17th in blatant disrega...
Notes: Byrd Hale Protest/Comment at the Board of Governor's Meeting April 15 The Board of Trustees voted to renegotiate the contract with Blackwater, removing ...
(EXCERPTED FROM MEETING MINUTES, See page 25 of the linked PDF file.) Public comments regarding Item #12 were held at this time. The following individuals spoke i...
* bw swc mou 5 13 2009.pdf: MOU revised for 2009 05 13 Board of Governors Meeting OCR'd version May 13, 2009 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Governing Board Southw...
Comments by Congressman BobFilner (CA 51) I represent the 51st Congressional District which includes Southwestern and I think you all know how much I love South...
SEE VIDEO HERE: clipId= topVideoCatNo=149659 topVideoCatNoB=155712 topVideoCatNoC=155713 topVideoCatNoD=155710 to...
Entire Video Public Hearing Board Action Part 1 Board Action Part 2 http...
Blackwater Only: This includes agenda item #21: TASK FORCE FOR FIRING RANGE Pursuant to the Board’s request, recommend approval of formation of a task force to e...
At this meeting, the Stop Blackwater activists asked the board to discontinue the agreement with Blackwater Xe since it was now clear that there are options that ...
Part 1: Pre meeting protest Part 2: Class Cuts Public Comment Part 3: Class Cuts Public Comment http...
FIRE Letter to Southwestern College Superintendent President Raj K. Chopra November 3, 2009 November 3, 2009 Dr. Raj K. Chopra, Superintendent/President Southwes...
(Note: this academy recently pulled their contract with Blackwater/Xe to use the BlackwaterOtay training facility. See BlackwaterInSouthwesternCollege for the ful...
Activist a common sight recording local meetings Ray Lutz is government watchdog By Anne Krueger, UNION TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 12:04 ...
View Larger Map DIRECTIONS FROM EAST COUNTY AREA. * I 8 WEST * CA 125 S * Stay on 125 at 94 Interchange (i.e. use right exit ramp). * Get on 54 W (by...
Why? * The United States has far more guns per capita than any other country. * The United States also has the highest homicides and suicides using guns. *...
Endorse this letter now! UPDATE 2010 02 23 SOS BILL HAS BEEN INTRODUCED * Read the Senate version of the bill here:
Hot News: * Claims by AIG by contractors in Iraq: 214,000 contractors in Iraq right now, more than uniformed personnel. 1,400 killed and 31,000 have reported i...
Last Published Publisher RaymondLutz Date 2010 02 13 00:46 relativedir w/pub/Common/CopsCanvassReport/ $Foswiki::cfg{PublishPlugin}{Dir} /var/www/vhosts/cop...
Recall Elections Summary: The Procedure is briefly as follows 1. Ten voters in the area can be proponents. They submit a statement (= 1,000 and = 5,000 and =...
RegionalSecuritySummit Gathering of regional leaders across jurisdictions to discuss security and related topics. Each meeting will focus on a specific topic with...
Memories of Susan RaymondLutz 2009 11 23 I consider Susan to be one of my favorite friends of the past several years. We met on the battlefield, so to speak, ...
"Okay, now that Erik Prince has been linked to the murder of two Blackwater Xe contractors who were ready to blow the whistle, linked to weapons trafficing, and e...
"Okay, now that Erik Prince has been linked to the murder of two Blackwater Xe contractors who were ready to blow the whistle, linked to weapons trafficing, and e...
"Okay, now that Erik Prince has been linked to the murder of two Blackwater Xe contractors who were ready to blow the whistle, linked to weapons trafficing, and e...
CommonCalendar Entry * 18 Nov 2009 Southwestern College Board Meeting, 2009 11 18 SWC has agreed to terminate the Blackwater Xe Agreement. This is a fol...