04 Jan 2009 - CurrentEventsTheater, Loose Change -- Final CutEl Cajon Library (1:30pm) Video will start promptly at 2:00pm -- NOTE VENUE CHANGE Details...
10 Jan 2009 - Blue Skies Over San Diego Inauguration Celebration Mission Ballroom at the Del Mar Fairgrounds from 6:30 - 10:30 PM The cost of $85 per person includes a Fiesta Buffet Dinner, Music, Dancing, Program, Parking and more. Cocktail attire is suggested at this Gala Celebration. We expect this event to be a sellout, so we recommend that you RSVP at the early bird rate soon or reserve your table of ten for your Club or friends. Proceeds from the event will help our County Party keep up the momentum!
10 Jan 2009 - California Democratic Party State Delegate Elections - Any voter can be a delegate, elected by voters in each AD. Delegates must commit to two year terms, and to attend two state conventions. El Cajon Library (11:30a)
20 Jan 2009 - Inauguration Breakfast Party! 8 a.m. (Main event starts at 9 a.m.). Celebrate as Barack Obama is sworn into office and we can again refer to W as "Mr. Bush." We worked hard for this... Now let's celebrate! Enjoy the festivities over coffee and breakfast at the Hacienda Restaurant in El Cajon. Open to the public. No cover, refreshments are your responsibility. The restaurant is located at 700 N. Johnson, El Cajon, CA 92020 (enter from Arnele, phone 619-442-9827).
01 Feb 2009 - Suberbowl XLIII - Raymond James Stadium, Tampa Bay, FL
21 Feb 2009 - Save Friendship Park Event, 11am - Gather at entrance to Border Field State Park (Take Hwy 5 South, exit Dairy Mart Road, turn right (West) and follow winding road to park entrance); 11:30 Hike to Friendship Park (2 mi one way); 12:15 Bi-National Choir, Bi-National Communion, Bi-National Garden; Citizenship documents may be required. Contact: John Fanestil, 619-823-6223
22 Feb 2009 - ECDC General Meeting Rancho San Diego Library (2 pm) Topic: Border Fence and Immigration - Three short films and discussion.
24 Feb 2009 - Viewing party of President Obama in his first speech to a joint session of Congress (5:30p) Giovanni's Restaurant (858) 279-6700 9353 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA (Corner of Ruffin Road)
March 2009
01 Mar 2009 - Current Events Theater - Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land at the El Cajon Library (2pm) with expert speakers from the Palestinian and Israeli Communities.
03 Mar 2009 - "From Dayton to Dover: A Brief History of the Evolution Teaching Controversy" Mandeville Auditorium (6pm) A public lecture by Edward Larson Professor and Hugh & Hazel Darling Chair in Law at Pepperdine University. This public lecture about the Scopes "Monkey Trial" (Tennessee vs. John Scopes in 1925) will be given by Edward J. Larson, the author of the Pulitzer Prize winning book "Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion."
11 Mar 2009 - Stop Blackwater Protest Rally at Southwestern College. (6:30pm) Put a stop to agreement between SWC and Blackwater to allow the firm to use on-campus conference rooms for mercenary recruiting. After the rally, attend Governing Board meeting at 7pm in Room 214 regarding agenda Item 12: "Reconsideration of Memorandum of Understanding with Blackwater Lodge and Training Center, Inc." The college is located at 900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910. Info: 619-820-5321
17 Mar 2009 - Stop Procinctu Group Protest at Riverside County Administration Building (8:30a) Procinctu proposed a Blackwater-like training center on a 194-acre site in Homeland, CA, which was approved without environmental review and with illegal waivers. The Riverside County Administration Building is at 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, CA 92501 (park in structure). Guest speaker: Tom Swann, Exec. President and Founder, Riverside County Veterans for Peace and Ray Lutz, who helped oust Blackwater from Potrero in San Diego County. Attendees are invited to address county supervisors and express their outrage that this was approved without appropriate review. Info: Ann Weston, 951-764-8512 or ann3weston@aol.com. Visit CAPA website or Stop Blackwater CARPOOL: Leaves El Cajon at 6am Sharp. Call 619-820-5321 to reserve a seat in the van.
18 Mar 2009 - ECDC General Meeting El Cajon Library (6:30-9:00 pm) Topic: Sunrise Powerlink, will screen the film "A Question Of Power." This is our first mid-week meeting.
20 Mar 2009 - 22 Mar 2009 - Voter Registration - Parkway Plaza (all day) Contact: Gordon Bosma at gjbosma@sdccu.net or 619-448-9280 to volunteer.
21 Mar 2009 - End the Wars March with Cindy Sheehan. (1p) March starts at 5th Ave. and University. Rally at War Memorial Building (2:30p) Info
01 May 2009 - 04 May 2009 - Voter Registration - Parkway Plaza (all day) Contact: Gordon Bosma at gjbosma@sdccu.net or 619-448-9280 to volunteer.
02 May 2009 - LABOR 101 WORKSHOP (8a-12) San Diego Electrical Training Center 4675 Viewridge Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123. The Labor Council hosts Labor 101, the workshop for current and future political leaders to learn about public policy issues impacting the San Diego workforce. The Labor Council serves as the regional branch of the AFL-CIO, providing political, legislative and organizing assistance to 124 affiliated unions representing more than 125,000 workers in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Info: Evan Mc Laughlin 619/228-8101 x3 or emclaughlin@unionyes.org.
02 May 2009 - Roosevelt Dinner, Holiday Inn On The Bay, 1355 N. Harbor Drive. (VIP Reception 5:30p, General Reception 6p, Dinner and Program 7p). Signup: http://www.actblue.com/page/rd09 (Choose $85 per seat, note ECDC in special comments.) NOTE: If you need additional help to attend, please call County Dem HQ at (858) 277-3367
04 May 2009 - LAST DAY TO REGISTER for special election.
11 May 2009 - Speak-Out at Ucsd Price Center (Library Walk) with Amir Abdul Malik, Bishop Samir Kafity, and Prof. Steve Kowit (9a-3p) Part of "Justice In Palestine Week" presented by UCSD Muslim Student Association and Students for Justice in Palestine. Info: Palestine@ucsdmsa.org
12 May 2009 - Panel Discussion on the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza, UCSD Ethnic Studies Dept. & Prof Michael Provence, Prof. Gary Fields, Ucsd Price Center (4th Floor - The Forum) (6-9p) Part of "Justice In Palestine Week" presented by UCSD Muslim Student Association and Students for Justice in Palestine. Info: Palestine@ucsdmsa.org
13 May 2009 - Special General Plan Amendment Meeting regarding Procinctu Group, 2270 Trumble Ave, Perris, CA 92572 - They are trying to change the zoning rules to allow the Procinctu Group to establish their training facility in Riverside County. Info: Ann3weston@aol.com
13 May 2009 - Panel Discussion on the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza, UCSD Ethnic Studies Dept. & Prof Michael Provence, Prof. Gary Fields, Ucsd Price Center (TMC Room) (6-8p) Part of "Justice In Palestine Week" presented by UCSD Muslim Student Association and Students for Justice in Palestine. Info: Palestine@ucsdmsa.org
13 May 2009 - Stop Blackwater Protest/Comment at Southwestern College. (6:30pm) Put a stop to agreement between SWC and Blackwater to allow the firm to use on-campus conference rooms for mercenary recruiting. After the rally, attend Governing Board meeting at 7pm in Room 214. The college is located at 900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910. Info: 619-820-5321 See: Blackwater In Southwestern College for background.
14 May 2009 - First-hand accounts and dinner with Palestinian Refugees (Free), Ucsd Price Center (West Ballroom B)(6:30-9p) Part of "Justice In Palestine Week" presented by UCSD Muslim Student Association and Students for Justice in Palestine. Info: Palestine@ucsdmsa.org
14 May 2009 - Memorial Service for wife of Leon Thompson, Suzy. (5 pm) Merkley-Mitchell Mortuary, 3655 5th Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
16 May 2009 - Cox Public Access workshop for submitters of series videos to Public Access TV.
19 May 2009 - Special Election. See May 2009 Recommendations for a review of these propositions and how you might want to vote.
20 May 2009 - ECDC General Meeting El Cajon Library (6:30-9:00 pm) Topic: State Convention Review, Special Election Review.
22 May 2009 - Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast (7:30a) Holiday Inn On The Bay - 1355 N. Harbor Drive RSVP $35
22 May 2009 - Memorial Service for Former ECDC President and local activist, Rick Carlson (Marge Carlson's husband), St. Lukes Lutheran Church, 5150 Wilson Street, La Mesa. (10:30a)