State Democratic E Board

The E-Board, or "Executive Board" meets and conducts business between state conventions. About 240 delegates are elected from the various assembly districts.

AS I understand it, any member of the State Central Committee is eligible to run for E-board in their district, and that includes former candidates, and appointed members.

Please reference

Assembly District Representatives to the State Executive Board.

(1) An Assembly District Representative to the State Executive Board shall be chosen at each Assembly District Election Meeting from among those persons who will be delegates (resident in the respective Assembly District) to the forthcoming biennial convention of This Committee by virtue of being a member of This Committee pursuant to Article II, Section 2b, 2d, 2e; Article II, Section 3; or Article II, Section 5.

b. Any Democrat who is elected or otherwise designated to hold an office named in subdivision (a) of this section and whose term of office extends beyond January of the next odd-numbered year shall be a member of This Committee for the two-year period commencing at the first regular meeting of that year. Any Democrat who is elected in a special election shall serve the remainder of the term.

d. In the case of an office named in subdivision (a) of this section to which a Democrat has not been selected at the most recent general election in which a nomination for that office was made, the Democratic Party nominee at the most recent primary election shall be a member of This Committee during the two-year period commencing at the first regular meeting of an odd-numbered year or until such time during that period that a Democrat is elected or designated to hold that office.

e. In the case of an office named in subdivision (a) of this section for which a special election was held and no Democrat was elected, the highest vote-getting Democrat shall be a member of This Committee during the remainder of the two year term, unless the prior nominee for this office is still a member of This Committee by virtue of having been nominated to that office.


a. Each member identified in Section 2b or 2c of this Article shall be entitled to appoint six members, at least three of whom shall be of the opposite sex; except that members elected to Congress and the State Assembly shall be entitled to appoint five members, at least three of whom shall be of the opposite sex.

b. Each member identified in Section 2d or 2e of this Article shall be entitled to appoint three members, at least two of whom shall be of the opposite sex; except that nominee members for Congress and the State Assembly shall appoint two members, at least one of whom shall be of the opposite sex.

c. Appointment of members to This Committee shall be made in writing in the form prescribed by the Secretary of This Committee, signed by the appointing member and delivered to the State Chair of the Party. Appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing member. Delivery of notification of appointment to This Committee shall be made no later than February 7 following the General Election, in order to be eligible to vote at the next meeting of This Committee, except in the case of a special election not certified by Feb 7, delivery of notification of appointment to This Committee shall be made not later than fourteen (14) days after certification of the election.


a. Each Assembly District Election Meeting, as provided in Article VI of these By-Laws, shall elect twelve of its members as members of This Committee.

b. Persons elected as members shall be as equally divided as possible between men and women. In the event less than six of one sex should be candidates for election as representatives to This Committee, they shall be deemed automatically elected, with the balance of the delegation being of the other sex.
Topic revision: r2 - 13 Jan 2009, RaymondLutz
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