If you have been arrested, cited, or detained, please provide the following information.
If possible, provide this information directly from the citation, arrest record, or other documentation. Note: This info will be compiled in a private area (not publicly viewable).
- Your full name (Last, First Middle):
- Your address (or "none"):
- City State Zip:
- License or ID State
- License Number
- Date of Birth
- Gender: [ ]M [ ] F
- Your Phone #1:
- Your Phone #2:
- Email:
- Law Enforcement Dept [ ]SDPD [ ]SD Sheriff [ ] Harbor Police [ ] Other :____________________|
- Booking/Citation Number:
- Date of arrest/citation/detain:
- Time of arrest/citation/detain:
- Case Number:
- Violation Description:
- Violation Location:
- Officer Last Name:
- Officer First Name:
- Badge Number:
- Court Date:
- Your Comments:
- Disposition:
- Total time detained:
- Taken to Jail?
- Complaint Made?
- Complaint Number:
- Complaint Date: