Web Version of this email: http://copswiki.org/Occupy/OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2011Nov05
Archive of all past and planned Email Blasts: http://copswiki.org/Occupy/OccupySanDiegoEmailBlasts


    • We are looking for video and or still pictures taken the night of the raid at Civic Center.
      • Please Email: osdraid10272011@yahoo.com
      • Please include your first name and last initial, and describe the vantage point of where the video or picture was taken from..... (Admin #7)
      • We STILL URGENTLY need a storage location for supplies (about 100 sqft) that is out of the elements, as we are being evicted from our current location on Monday. Please contact Damian Tryon at 619-663-3020 if you have a solution.
      • Occupiers need: shoes, socks, tarps, jackets, towels and anything warm. We need quarters to dry sleeping bags, socks, sandbags. Size 14 shoes.
      • Sanitation needs latex (or similar) gloves and large black trash bags.
      • COLD WEATHER ALERT!!!!! SPUDS FOR BUDS: LOVE APPEAL. If you are heading down to Occupy please fork 20 baking potatoes, wrap in foil and heat in oven at 450F for 45 minutes. Drop them off at the civic center plaza. THEY MAKE EXCELLENT HAND AND POCKET WARMERS as well as providing much needed nourishment - If you don't have time to cook them, drop them off raw. If you live locally please come pick up the raw ones and bake them for us! WE ARE FEEDING THE HOMELESS TOO!!!!

  • General Assembly
    • Request from Email Blast: Please reduce meeting notes to something we can post here. If possible, plan agenda 2 days ahead so we can blast to everyone what will be discussed.

To allow for a respectful and safe environment for our Occupy family, Occupy San Diego announces the following Good Neighbor Policy (similar to that adopted by Occupy Wall Street):
  • Zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol anywhere in the occupied space in Civic Center Plaza;
  • Zero tolerance for threats or acts of physical or sexual violence towards anyone;
  • Zero tolerance for abuse of personal or public property.
  • OSD will limit drumming on the site to between the hours of 11am and 5pm only.
  • OSD encourages all participants to respect health and sanitary regulations, and will direct all participants to respectfully utilize appropriate off-site sanitary facilities.
  • OSD will display signage and will try to have safety and/or community relations mediators in Civic Center, in order to ensure awareness of and respect for our guidelines and Good Neighbor Policy.
  • OSD will at all times have a community relations mediator on-site (to be appointed each day), to monitor and respond to community concerns and complaints.


Unless otherwise noted, we meet daily as follows:
  • 4 pm -- Finance Committee Meeting, Downtown Johnny Brown's, Mon. thru Friday
    • Each committee should send a representative to this meeting! Budget is currently being defined.
  • 5:30 pm -- Committee meetings -- many meet at the "big circle" (the part of the plaza where there's an oldey timey map of san diego in a big circle) with very few exceptions.
  • 7pm -- General Assembly (Civic Center Plaza)

Personal Items Seized by Police at OSD
Anyone who lost property should go immediately to SDPD HQ at 14th and Broadway. Hours are 12:30 to 3pm. At the front entrance, turn right, go down the steps and follow the blue diamonds to the back door at the property room. Check in with the woman at the counter. There are still many personal belongings there, and you are allowed to look through it to see what is yours. They said all the stuff at the Civic Center was trashed. Only stuff from Children's Park was kept.
Some of the stuff that I saw:
  • About 10 different tables of various sizes. One really long plastic banquet table. One regular brown banquet table. One 4 ft mini plastic table. Other weird tables.
  • A bunch of folding chairs, some metal ones, some aluminum patio chairs, etc.
  • A whole bunch of backpacks, duffel bags, etc. with personal belongings inside.
  • A number of tents, canopies, etc. that were confiscated in the initial clearing of the Civic Center Plaza (11-14) or were taken from Children's Park last Thursday. Many of these are broken or in random containers, so I'm not sure how productive any recovery attempt will be.
  • Boxes of books and DVDs from the education area.
  • Games and Art Supplies from Children's Park.
  • I lost the large megaphone and two small megaphones, unless someone has those (all from Harbor Freight Tools).
  • There was a mini-DV camera, somewhat larger form factor than the super modern ones.
  • There were a number of sleeping bags, shoes and other personal stuff from Children's park.

SATURDAY, 2011-11-05

  • National "Bank Withdrawal Day" -- If you still have an account with any for-profit bank (Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Union Bank, Chase Bank, etc.) withdraw all your funds and move them to a credit union. SEE FLIER BELOW (and it is attached to the web version of this update for printing and distribution.)
  • 10:30 rally, march at 11 am -- March to Bank of America -- Memorial / Protest for foreclosure
    • Protest Vigil: Death of the American Dream -- San Diego Gaslamp District
    • Start: March from Civic Center Plaza to 455 Island Avenue
    • Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=171898516233164 PLEASE RSVP!
    • Move On, Veterans for Peace and Occupy San Diego are initiating this event. See these headlines - click on each.

  • 11 am -- Occupy Gardens Teach-In -- Suzie's Farm encourages all mobile gardeners to "March with their gardens" If you don't have a mobile garden they'll show how to build one at the Civic Center! Gardeners Unite! Visit Occupy SD Gardens at http://occupysdgardens.blogspot.com/ (I recommend that this be held after people return from the march!)

  • 12:00 PM: Teach-In by Jeff, "The International Money Power and Their Debt-Dollar Tyranny Exposed" -- Big Finance Capital covertly created a debt-dollar system that is designed to bankrupt America over time. In addition, they broke Section 2A of the Federal Reserve Act for 25 years running and criminally blew the world's largest credit bubble in human history, lying about their mandate the whole time. I expose the Big Finance Capital / government cartel criminals and I explain how their debt-dollar tyranny works in order to systematically asset strip society and enrich and empower themselves. I also explain what I'm convinced lies ahead - the biggest bust in human history (think Greatest Depression). [This presentation is okay to film]

  • 1 PM: Teach in by Eva David, "The FDA's role in brain damage, obesity, and pacification of the masses"

SUNDAY, 2011-11-06

  • 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM: Teach in by James Bartoli: "Discussion about the OWS List of Grievances called 'Declaration of the Occupation of New York City'"

  • 1:00 PM: Teach-in by Prof. Emanuele Saccarelli, SDSU entitled: "Democracy and Socialism" -- The lecture will explain how the democratic aspirations of working people would be met in the process of reorganizing society along socialist lines. A few crucial historical experiences, including the Paris Commune of 1871 and the Russian Revolutions of 1905 and 1917 will be examined. The 'Commune' and the 'Soviets' represented new forms and institutions of democratic rule and representation which were developed by working people in their struggle for equality. The lecture will also discuss the contemporary significance of
these institutions with particular reference to the failure of the nominal 'democracy' that exists today as well as the challenges confronting the 'Occupy' movement.

  • 2:00 PM: Teach-in by Duncan Mc Fetridge: "Say No To Greed. Say Yes to the 50-10 Transit Plan! -- How the recently-approved SANDAG 2050 RTP/SCS undermines opportunity for sustainable community building, poses a grave threat to the integrity of our city, farm and wilderness resources, and completely violates state mandated environmental law.

  • 3:00 PM: Teach-in by Omar "The Egyptian Revolution and its parallels with the Occupy Movement" -- A brief introduction to the 18 day struggle leading to the toppling of a dictatorship, followed by an interactive Q & A about the tactics and philosophies that quickly evolved out of necessities in the face of police brutality, hired thugs, corrupt media and Mubarak followers.

MONDAY, 2011-11-07

  • 6:00 PM -- Carl DeMaio fundraiser for “small businesses shut down by Occupy San Diego Protestors” at Downtown Johnny Brown’s. DeMaio picked that location and time for a reason: He and the media will be hoping and looking for a disturbance by any of the occupiers. We must not allow any such disturbance to occur. OSD is hosting our own fundraiser for these businesses, who should have done better with many more people in the plaza around the clock (But you can't make money if you're not open.) Carl DeMaio is trying to leverage this situation for media exposure, and nothing more. Ignoring Mr. DeMaio is our best course of action.

TUESDAY, 2011-11-08

WEDNESDAY, 2011-11-09

  • 3:00 PM: Teach in by Dave Lagstein, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment: "Making Wall Street Pay (local, state, and national)"

FRIDAY, 2011-11-11

  • Forward, backward, upsidedown, it is always the same!!
  • 11AM -- San Diego Veteran's Day Parade

THURSDAY, 2011-11-17

  • 12:00 Noon -- Reinvestment Task Force (Committee Room, 12th Floor, City Hall)
    • Meeting called by City Council President Tony Young, will have all bankers that do business with the city sitting around the table, on their best behavior.
    • We are invited to engage in this meeting. We are not constrained to public comment rules.
    • Can we move millions in City money from wall-street bankers to local community banks?

Editor's Note

I have received many thank yous for this daily email blast, I hope you agree it is a step forward in our communication infrastructure.
Please help me get the information for each daily email:
  • Committees should let me know where and when they meet and if they have any information to publish -- I need a contact for each committee
  • The Moderator or GA note taker should forward notes and decisions to me, asap after the meeting. I may be able to get them in that day's blast.
  • If you have media, like videos or photos or even a written account, please email it to me as quickly as you can.
  • Please schedule any new meetings (like at the GA) at least two days ahead so it can appear in this email blast. In other words, don't schedule for the very next day because it won't get into the email blast and then not everyone will know about it.
  • I would like someone who is a Facebook regular to send me some links of interesting and relevant articles that are posted there. Contact me if you can do that.
  • I need at least one or two other people who can help publish the blast. contact me if you are interested: raylutz@citizensoversight.org

User's Tip

Since we get new subscribers every day much of the email blast will be the same as the last one. BUT, you can view JUST THE DIFFERENCES if you want to, so you can read it faster.
  1. Go to the web version of the email blast.
  2. Scroll to the bottom. Click "More Topic Actions"
  3. Go to the sections "Compare Revisions"
  4. Compare the current topic ("3" in this one) to 1 (which is the prior day's)
  5. Click COMPARE.
  • This does not show some changes, like images, so you should scan the original email too.
  • At the bottom of the original topic, you can view any older version (click the numbers) or comparisons ("<") by clicking on the list. (Doesn't work for our case of comparing one day to the next because there are usually several revisions before the final one, so you have to use the "Compare Revisions" function.

SEND THIS LINK AND TELL OTHERS TO SUBSCRIBE: http://lists.citizensoversight.org/mailman/listinfo/occupysd

If you have:
  • lists of emails that should be subscribed
  • events or notices that should be included
  • needs or wants to request from our supporters
  • specific requests for volunteers
SEND TO: raylutz@citizensoversight.org (Media Committee Member)
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.

DISCLAIMER! Although we will do our best to make sure this list of events is accurate, changes may occur frequently! Please check your email daily to make sure and also the various web sites.

Prior Media Listed (in case you are a new subscriber)


  • National Bank Transfer Day Flier:
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
BankFuneralMarch.jpgjpg BankFuneralMarch.jpg manage 16 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Bank Funeral March, Nov 5, 10:30
Topic revision: r8 - 19 Mar 2018, RaymondLutz
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