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Occupy Update!
Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers
by a number of volunteers.
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast
should confirm all information from other sources.
On the Nov 25 email blast, Lori Saldana was
mentioned in an effort to start a state level
investigation into actions by cities in response to
various occupations. The way these sentences
were constructed implied that Lori has said more
than she actually did, and we regret this error.
- LA Mayor gives eviction notice to Occupy LA -- See details in media below.
- Occupy SD will send a delegation to LA, meet at 1pm on Sunday. See details below.
Despite what you might hear on the corporate-owned news:
- The occupation continues, around the clock.
- PLEASE COME DOWN when you can and help with numbers. This is your true vote. Stay at home = vote against 99%.
- Tents and almost everything is now being restricted by the police.
- Food is needed -- we no longer have a food table, so you'll have to play it by ear.
- We will not be denied our constitutional right to assemble and speak!
- Many Teach-ins on Sunday! <== click here to see the rest of the report.
Court Hearing
(Some corrections are marked below)
Federal court hearing of the TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) regarding Municipal Code 54.0110. Judge Hayes heard the oral arguments at 2:30pm on Tuesday, Nov 22. We must all thank the protestors who attended this court hearing and exhibited excellent courtesy. Here are my comments:
- Court Documents
- Attorney Bryan Pease could not attend in person because he just completed Lasik eye surgery. He attended by telephone but did not participate in the hearing.
- Attorney Todd Cardiff presented the arguments in favor of the restraining order.
- The primary argument is that the law is vague and overly broad, and therefore subject to abuse. It outlaws anything on public property, even a coffee cup, and even if it is for free speech.
- We are talking about the civic center plaza here, which is specifically set aside for free speech.
- Quoted ACLU vs. City of Las Vegas
- Asst City Attorney Kristin Black presented the defense for the City.
- Said TRO is not required, because there is no imminent harm. She said the protests have been continuing with out disruption since Oct 7 and there is no infringement of freedom of speech. If this was a big concern, then this case should have been brought sooner.
- She said that the law was only used when the plaza was cleared, because they did not want the protestors setting up their tents and gear while the square was being cleared. Of course we know this statement was far from being accurate.
- She said they have not "precluded anyone from putting anything down." Maybe, but I know once it is put down, the police will threaten arrest if you don't pick it up.
- Judge said he would consider all the arguments and release a written decision. Normally, these don't take very long.
- If this Temporary Restraining Order is approved, we will return!
- We need video documentation of police hassling people about setting stuff down. If you have such a video, please contact us at so I can get it to the right people.
- GA notes -- will be sent as a separate email blast, when available.
- Hunger Strike -- John Kenney continues his hunger strike, now in day 16. He is requesting that the City come to the table and discuss the right of Occupy San Diego to conduct protests in the form of an encampment. John is now sick and I am starting to worry about his health. Nancy Casady is no longer on Hunger Strike.
This is a new section and will list a number of things YOU can do right now to help.
Opeds Submitted
Have you submitted a letter to the UT or another publication? Send it to and we'll publish it here! They may not print it, but we will.
By Chris West:
The city of San Diego has allocated $500,000 for two temporary winter shelters for the homeless this winter; fortunately by next winter the facility at the old World Trade Center building should be open. Meanwhile the city has spent over $2,500,000 and counting, five times the amount allocated for winter shelters, on observing Occupy San Diego and so far making at least 129 arrests, most of them unwarranted per our Constitution as decreed in the first amendment.
Usually the officers assigned to Occupy San Diego are in groups of six or more chatting with one another. They don’t have much else to do when they are not questioning or arresting people. Early Thanksgiving morning about eight officers surrounded and arrested a disabled man who had to use a wheelchair to get anywhere, charged not with urinating in public but for indecent exposure. His crime? Discreetly urinating into a bottle.
Where are our priorities here? Which of these two expenses are an unwise use of our limited city funds?
Chris West – San Diego
2011 Nov 27
- The Hidden History of ALEC and Prison Labor prison labor for the private sector was legally barred for years, to avoid unfair competition with private companies. But this has changed thanks to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), its Prison Industries Act, and a little-known federal program known as PIE (the Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program).
Somewhat more familiar is ALEC’s instrumental role in the explosion of the US prison population in the past few decades. ALEC helped pioneer some of the toughest sentencing laws on the books today, like mandatory minimums for non-violent drug offenders, “three strikes” laws, and “truth in sentencing” laws. In 1995 alone, ALEC’s Truth in Sentencing Act was signed into law in twenty-five states. (Then State Rep. Scott Walker was an ALEC member when he sponsored Wisconsin's truth-in-sentencing laws and, according to PR Watch, used its statistics to make the case for the law.)
- U.S. Conference of Mayors' Occupy Wall Street questionnaire Mayor Jerry Sanders did not participate in conference calls with other mayors to share information about the local spin-offs of the Occupy Wall Street movement. However, he did receive an email asking him to share information regarding Occupy San Diego on an online survey—and we have obtained the email through the California Public Records Act.
- 451 at Zuccotti ParkThe books at Zuccotti Park were hauled away in dumpsters belonging to the sanitation department. The pretext of the destruction was “cleaning” the park which, the Mayor said, was filled with “filth”. This is the rhetoric of Mein Kampf. But no one is deceived. These acts are deliberate attempts to destroy the ideas
- Survey: Americans Will Pull $185 Billion Out of Big Banks Next YearThe four biggest banks — Chase, Bank of America, Citibank and Wells Fargo — stand to lose the lion’s share of that $185 billion. According to the survey, they’re on track to lose $135 billion in customer deposits if they can’t find a way to woo new customers and keep existing ones from defecting.
- A Fix For Banks Too Big To Fail: Cut 'Em Down To Size - March 26, 2010 "The 1994 Riegle-Neil Act says that no bank can have more than 10 percent of total retail deposits in the country. That's exactly the right kind of idea," Johnson says. "The problem is, since 1994 most of the action in terms of the bank growth has not been in retail deposits; its been in so called wholesale financing. So you want to cap size of banks in terms of their total liabilities and their total assets."
All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
- Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.
Unless noted, all events are at "Freedom Square" (the San Diego
Civic Center Plaza, 1200 3rd Ave. San Diego, Intersection of 3rd Ave. and B St.)
Unless otherwise noted, we meet daily as follows:
- 4 pm -- Finance Committee Meeting, Downtown Johnny Brown's, Mon. thru Friday
- Each committee should send a representative to this meeting! Budget is currently being defined.
- 5:30 pm -- Committee meetings -- many meet at the "big circle" (the part of the plaza where there's map of San Diego in a big circle) with very few exceptions.
- 7pm -- General Assembly (Civic Center Plaza)
Warning: Can't find named section OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2011Nov27 in topic Occupy.OccupySanDiegoEvents
Occupy San Diego & Imperial County (Visit each site and "Like" it)
- Occupy North County
- Regular Events: Saturdays, Highway 101 & Encinitas Blvd, starting at noon.
- 12:00 PM - Teach in, orientation and committee meetings
- 1:00 PM- RALLY
- 2:00 PM - General Assembly
- Occupy Oceanside
- Occupy Escondido
- Organizing & they are talking about occupying soon. They meet twice a week for now, but the days and times change.
- They want more input on the next meeting on their FB page
- Occupy Mira Mesa
- Occupy Mission Bay
- Occupy Imperial County
- Women Occupy San Diego
- Occupy Chula Vista
- Occupy San Diego SDSU
- Occupy Mesa College
People's Assembly at UCSD (in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.)
Occupy Cal State San Marcos (CSUSM)
National Coordination
- Occupy Together
- Interoccupy Group Consensus Proposal -- proposes a mechanism for accepting proposals for processing so as to reach global consensus.
- National Occupy Conference Calls: There are weekly conference calls between Occupy sites. We need reps from appropriate committees to join in the conference call. Unfortunately, it is Monday at 7pm, our GA time.
User's Tip
Since we get new subscribers every day much of the email blast will be the same as the last one. BUT, you can view JUST THE DIFFERENCES if you want to, so you can read it faster.
- Go to the web version of the email blast.
- Scroll to the bottom. Click "More Topic Actions"
- Go to the sections "Compare Revisions"
- Compare the current topic ("3" in this one) to 1 (which is the prior day's)
- Click COMPARE.
- This does not show some changes, like images, so you should scan the original email too.
- At the bottom of the original topic, you can view any older version (click the numbers) or comparisons ("<") by clicking on the list. (Doesn't work for our case of comparing one day to the next because there are usually several revisions before the final one, so you have to use the "Compare Revisions" function.
If you have:
- lists of emails that should be subscribed
- events or notices that should be included
- needs or wants to request from our supporters
- specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.
DISCLAIMER! Although we will do our best to make sure this list of events is accurate, changes may
occur frequently! Please check your email daily to make sure and also the various web sites.
Edited by Ray Lutz with help from Email Blast Team.