This project exists to provide a place for tutorials and information about the colloboration platform. is based on the "Free, Open-Source Wiki" known as "Foswiki". This was originally known as TWiki, but due to proprietary issues, was split into a separate community-based project known as Foswiki. The Foswiki branch has been improved with many release cycles. All wikis, including Wikipedia, which is based on Media Wiki, have their roots in the original Wiki Wiki. Most wikis like Media Wiki (Wikipedia) offer the user to edit pages of the site, but those pages are static once edited. This is essential for high-traffic sites like Wikipedia.
Foswiki can be used that way too. But it also offers many "Macros" and dynamic features not offered by wikipedia.
Much of the architecture of the site is custom, but still within the standard framework of Foswiki, which offers a great deal of flexibility.
The Basics
Basic Instructions -- this topic is a first-stop so you can set up your user name and password.
Please note that due to evil google spam robots, we have to manually approve each user for editing rights. Please send an email to and introduce yourself.
General tutorials provided by the Foswiki platform:
(M1680) 2016-08-26 Copswiki Basic Editing -- RayLutz, CitizensOversight, Provides instruction for basic editing of topics in the collaboration platform.