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Congressional Challengers Go on Hunger Strike (2010-08-18) Meredith Simons

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The Slatest Evening Edition | MEREDITH SIMONS

Congressional Challengers Go on Hunger Strike

If politicians should be wary of upstarts with a " lean and hungry look," then Rep. Duncan Hunter needs to watch his back. The California Republican's two opponents, libertarian Mike Benoit and Democrat Ray Lutz, have gone on a hunger strike to protest what they say is Hunter's reluctance to debate them. The challengers proposed a series of debates beginning at the end of August, but Hunter has refused to schedule anything until October. So Benoit and Lutz have sworn off food until the congressman caves (or Friday, whichever comes first). They started their fast on Aug. 12. Since then, Politico reports, Lutz has "missed 17 meals, lost 14 pounds, taken an enema to avoid toxic shock, talked to a doctor who recommended a salt-water purge, given up exercise and is so tired he has resorted to napping during the day." Benoit is a little more sanguine about their venture. "The hunger has almost disappeared," he said. "Except when there's food around and TV ads and stuff. The Hometown Buffet commercial is one of the worst. They are an all-you-can-eat buffet."

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Title Congressional Challengers Go on Hunger Strike
Author Meredith Simons
Pub Date 2010-08-18
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Note Features Ray Lutz and Duncan Hunter Jr
Keywords CA 50 Congressional District
Media Type Linked Article
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r2 - 25 Feb 2013, RaymondLutz
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