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Potrero Planning Group Members Face Recall Election

These Days (2007-08-08) Maureen Cavanaugh, Jan Hedlun, Thell Fowler

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Maureen Cavanaugh (Guest Host): A small town about 45 miles east of San Diego is divided. Today, we talk to two leaders from Potrero on the eve of a sure-to-be historic meeting. Voters in the rural community are so angered over the proposed Blackwater training facility that they have called the members of the planning group to task. They signed petitions forcing the planning group to order a recall election on Thursday.

But at the heart of this recall election is Blackwater USA, a private military company and security firm. The company wants to build a training camp in Potrero. In December, the planning group voted unanimously in support of Blackwater's plans.


  • Jan Hedlun, member of the Potrero Community Planning Group and is the group's lone Blackwater opponent. She took office after the initial vote to approve Blackwater's plans.
  • Thell Fallwell, vice-chairman of the Potrero Community Planning Group.

Media Form edit

Title Potrero Planning Group Members Face Recall Election
Publisher These Days
Author Maureen Cavanaugh, Jan Hedlun, Thell Fowler
Pub Date 2007-08-08
Media Link;id=9288
Keywords Blackwater
Media Type Audio
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Aug 2007, RaymondLutz
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