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Letters: medal deceit, debates and dogs

San Diego Union Tribune (2010-08-23) Letter to Editor

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Letters: medal deceit, debates and dogs



Debate hunger strike

All candidates running for an office should agree to meet their opponents in a well-mediated debate of the issues and concerns. Residents of the 52nd Congressional District deserve to hear all candidates’ positions, so I cannot understand why Congressman Duncan Hunter is unwilling to schedule any debates with candidate Ray Lutz (“Hunger-striking candidate mostly just craves a debate | Democrat wants Rep. Hunter’s seat; Libertarian joins in, too,” Aug. 18). In two separate, hand-delivered letters, the Lutz campaign requested a series of eight debates, taking place in each community throughout the district. What is Hunter afraid of?

Michael A. Foster


The candidates from the 52nd Congressional District who are offering hunger strikes as a campaign tool have conceived a brilliant option to our current system of election to public office. I can think of a long list of elected officials who would greatly benefit society by going on very long hunger strikes. Why waste time and money on an obviously flawed electoral process when we can just let all the candidates go on a hunger strike until only one is left?

Survival of the fattest can could not possibly give us a worse outcome than we now experience with our current system. We would certainly not have to be concerned with term limits.

John Flanagan


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Title Letters: medal deceit, debates and dogs
Publisher San Diego Union Tribune
Author Letter to Editor
Pub Date 2010-08-23
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Note Features Ray Lutz and Duncan Hunter Jr
Keywords CA 50 Congressional District
Media Type Linked Article
Media Group Response Letter
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r2 - 25 Feb 2013, RaymondLutz
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