Randi Scheurer Takes on Blackwater, Company That Abandoned Her Son in Iraq and Trains in Mt. Carroll
Mc Henry County Blog (2007-08-10) Cal Skinner
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Blackwater North
The following press release was sent by Melissa Bean's 8th congressional district Democratic Party primary contender, Randi Scheurer. This release reveals a personal interest that Scheurer has in the War in Iraq:
Candidate Randi Scheurer Faces Off with Blackwater, The U.S. Mercenary Contractor Company That Hit Her Soldier Son Abandoning Him On the Side of the Road
Blackwater is a private company that has been supplying mercenaries to fight in Iraq as part of President Bush’s privatization of the U.S. military. They have just set up a paramilitary camp in Mt. Carroll, Illinois, where they intend to train a private military to be available to fight all around the globe. They also plan to provide quasi-military personnel to work in this country. The training and formation of this private military, which is unaccountable to the voters, is extremely dangerous and is unprecedented in U.S. history. A demonstration against Blackwater will be held this Saturday, August 11, from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m. at the Blackwater compound. For details, visit
Candidate Randi Scheurer knows from personal experience what it means to have "above-the-law" mercenaries, using taxpayer money to run their own war machine in Iraq. *Her son Daniel was hit by a private contractor in Baghdad while walking along the side of the road, thrown into a gully abandoned by these mercenaries. He now goes to the Veterans hospital in North Chicago to deal with the injuries incurred by this lawless, careless, greedy company running Bush's war in it's own dark way.
Randi Scheurer is running in the IL-8th Congressional Democratic Primary against an incumbent Melissa Bean- who continues to fund the war on the backs of our soldiers who are subject to this kind of abuse. "Soldiers are victims,” according to Randi Scheurer. "This a prime example of the consequences of Bush's war and the incumbents support of the war". "The way we can hold these incumbents accountable is by electing representatives that will use the 'power of the purse' to bring our troops home and take care of them when they return".
Randi Scheurer is in constant contact with return veterans. They tell her that soldiers are trained to dismantle their gear at a moments notice. "They are thoroughly up for the task". Randy’s daughter, a retired 8year military captain in the army, has told her that a key component in the soldier's training is how to pull up camp without missing a beat.
Candidate Randi Scheurer www.FreeTheDemocrats.com will be at the Blackwater demonstration to voice her opposition for the establishment of their base in this country.