Projects Liaison Monitor Job Posting

Grossmont Healthcare Board (2010-10) Barry Jantz

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The following posting was on the Grossmont Healthcare District website and has been reproduced below.

Projects Liaison Monitor

Grossmont Healthcare District

The Grossmont Healthcare District is a local special district organized under the State of California Health and Safety Code and is governed by a publicly elected five person board of trustees. The District owns Grossmont Hospital, which is leased to Sharp Healthcare until 2021. District public funding is provided through property taxes. A portion of those tax revenues is devoted to a program of grants and sponsorships designed to address the otherwise unmet health care needs of the District’s residents. A voter-approved 2006 bond measure (Proposition G) also provides additional property tax funding devoted to capital improvements at Grossmont Hospital.

This new full time position is included in the District’s FY 2010-2011 Administration Budget. The position is intended to aid the CEO and Proposition G Program Management Team in their duties pertaining to the routine administration of numerous contracts including:
  1. Those construction contracts funded pursuant to Proposition G, a $247 million construction program, with approximately $225 million of that amount for projects at Grossmont Hospital,
  2. Those grants and sponsorships awarded pursuant to the District’s Community Grants and Sponsorships policy, and
  3. The 1991 Lease, Affiliation and Transfer Agreements with Sharp Healthcare.
The Projects Liaison Monitor reports to the District CEO or designated staff and serves as a liaison to the Proposition G Program Management Team.

Experience and Skills Required:

Five (5) years as a contracts/grants administrator or community-based non-profit executive/manager responsible for the administration of health care grants or contracts in a non-profit or government environment, or five (5) years experience with a major construction contractor or public agency involved in the construction, operation and maintenance of public facilities.

Minimum education requirements include a university degree with a preferred major in public administration, business administration, or social service. A graduate degree is preferred, but not required.

The selected candidate must have excellent communication, organizational and writing skills.

Specific tasks include:
  1. Assuring compliance with agreements related to various contractors and consultants under contract with the District for tasks associated with Proposition G funded projects, the goal of which is to reduce existing Program Management Team costs in performing the functions.
  2. Assistance in preparing and distributing requests for proposals.
  3. Evaluating applications for District-provided assistance.
  4. Providing recommendations to District staff, board members and committee members.
  5. Providing updates of the District’s Needs Assessment Survey.
  6. Monitoring the performance of recipients of District grants and sponsorships.
  7. Reviewing quarterly reports of grant and sponsorship recipients.
  8. Arranging and conducting site visits for District staff and members of the board, as may be warranted.
  9. Maintaining complete files on all grant applications, awards and performance from inception through completion.
  10. Assistance in assuring compliance with the lease and affiliation agreement with Sharp Healthcare.
  11. Coordination of meetings and discussions related to the possible continuation of the lease and affiliation agreement with Sharp Healthcare, as may be warranted.
  12. Attending board and committee meetings as directed by the CEO.
  13. Field and site visits as may be warranted.
  14. Performing other duties as may be assigned.


The salary is $60,000 per annum depending upon qualifications. The District’s standard package of fringe benefits for employees will apply to this position. The selected candidate will receive a one-year contract, including the District’s standard terms and conditions that apply to contract employees.

Application Process and Closing Date:

A formal application form is not required. Applicants are invited to provide a cover letter and detailed resume that highlights the achievements and qualifications satisfying the experience and skill requirements described above. Applicants may include copies (not originals) of documentation attesting to those qualifications. Documents will not be returned.

No email or phone inquiries.

Resumes must be received not later than 12 p.m. (noon), Tuesday, November 9, 2010, addressed to:

Barry Jantz, CEO

Grossmont Healthcare District

9001 Wakarusa Street

La Mesa, CA 91942

Resumes may be mailed or hand-carried. Fax and e-mail replies will not be accepted. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will be selected not later than Tuesday, November 30, 2010.

Media Form edit

Title Projects Liaison Monitor Job Posting
Publisher Grossmont Healthcare Board
Author Barry Jantz
Pub Date 2010-10
Media Link
Embed HTML
Note Stieringer Employment Scam
Keywords Grossmont Healthcare Board
Media Type Article
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Thumbnail Link
Topic revision: r1 - 13 Nov 2010, RaymondLutz
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