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Imperial County Board of Supervisors Rescind Approval of Wind Zero (AKA Coyote Wells) Project

Citizens Oversight (2012-05-08) Ray Lutz

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More Info: Blackwater, Private Mercenaries, War Profiteering, Wind Zero

AGENDA ITEM: (Approved unanimously)

16. Conduct a public hearing to consider rescission of the following approvals granted on December 21, 2010, for the Coyote Wells Specific Plan Project as requested by County Counsel in response to the foreclosure of the Project proponent’s loan on the Project property and failure to fully reimburse County for costs:

a. Rescission of Certification of the Environmental Impact Report.

b. Rescission of Approval of the Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Program and Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations.

c. Rescission of Approval of the General Plan Amendment #08-0003.

d. Rescission of Approval of the Coyote Wells Specific Plan #08-0001.

e. Rescission of Approval of the enabling Zone Change 08-0003 for the Ocotillo/Nomirage Community Area Plan and Zone Map 59 regarding the Coyote Wells Specific Plan area and Zoning Ordinance 92559.02 for the Ocotillo/Nomirage Area Zone Map 59.

f. Rescission of Approval of Gated Community Tentative Tract Map #00985 and Conditions of Approval.

g. Rescission of Approval of Conditional Use Permit #08-0030 for Airstrip.

h. Rescission of Approval of Conditional Use Permit #08-0031 for two Water Wells. Board of Supervisors Page 4 of 10

i. Rescission of Approval of Development Agreement.


Media Form edit

Title Imperial County Board of Supervisors Rescind Approval of Wind Zero (AKA Coyote Wells) Project
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2012-05-08
Media Link
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Note Conclusion of Wind Zero project is feather in the hat of People Against Wind Zero (PAWZ) and Citizens Oversight
Keywords Blackwater, Private Mercenaries, War Profiteering, Wind Zero
Media Type Video
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Topic revision: r3 - 27 Dec 2013, RaymondLutz
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