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Theatre Management

Entertainment Pro (2007) David M. Conte and Stephen Langley

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More Info: Save ECPAC

This book is an excellent reference, very nuts and bolts with almost everything in it regarding theatre. It mainly concentrates on production as opposed to presenting and renting, and from the point of view of a production company who might rent a theater as opposed to a theater operator who may rent to production companies, but it handles it from other points of view too.

Regarding the Save ECPAC project, and the ECPAC Foundation, we can consider three levels of theatre management:
  • renting - providing the space to production companies for one or more days of use. Normally, all promotion and marketing is the responsibility of the renter. This is the least risky for theater management and also the least rewarding. Renters vary in their need for support from 4-walls (no support) to full support of sound, lights, and other crew members.

  • presenting - arranging for production companies to come to the theater. The presenting organization is responsible for marketing and promotion of the event. Arrangements vary from fixed-price to back-end splits.

  • production - putting together all elements of an event including artists, performers, costumes, etc. etc. Although CCT in the past did do production of their own performances, the ECPAC Foundation does not intend to do any production, esp. not of any theatrical engagements.

The following chapters are particularly relevant to our needs and so they are reproduced here so everyone on our management team can read these over and become cognizant of the issues.

There are a number of appendices that are relevant to our needs as well. Some of these will be converted to editable form so as to provide a basis for our own documents.

[to be included later]


Media Form edit

Title Theatre Management
Publisher Entertainment Pro
Author David M. Conte and Stephen Langley
Pub Date 2007
Media Link
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Note 580 pages
Keywords Save ECPAC
Media Type Book
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Book ISBN 0-89676-256-4
Author Name Sortable Conte, David M. and Langley, Stephen
Publish Status Published
Thumbnail Link
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Ch10_Budget_Plans.pdfpdf Ch10_Budget_Plans.pdf manage 1 MB 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Chapter 10: Budget Plans
Ch9_Presenting.pdfpdf Ch9_Presenting.pdf manage 1 MB 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Chapter 9: Presenters and Presenting Organizations
Topic revision: r4 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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