Citizens Oversight (2013-02-07) Ray Lutz
This Page: Info:
Occupy San Diego
The following spreadsheet is a summary of videos found on
You Tube related to
Occupy San Diego. It does not include -- at this time -- videos from other video services, livestream, ustream, or videos that are only available offline. It does not include videos that were not provided when
You Tube is searched for the term "Occupy San Diego"
This is an Open Document Spreadsheet file, which you can edit with
Open Office (which is available for free at
There are 658 videos in this file as of 2013-02-07
This file is sorted by upload date, so it roughly corresponds do the date of the event.
How you can help:
- If you do any work, please let Ray Lutz know (raylutz@citizensoversight) because we don't want to waste time doing the same work by two people. He can let you know what range of lines work is needed, if someone else is working on it.
- Make sure you change the filename if you make modifications and upload a new version here (you can register and get approval to do uploads).
What needs to be done.
- The dates in the spreadsheet are the dates when the files were uploaded. They are roughly equal to when the events took place, but not always if there was significant delay in getting the upload completed. A column "Event Date" was added so we could check each line item and enter the date that is appropriate for each video. It may take viewing the video to see if the date can be determined if it is not mentioned in the title or description.
- If you have videos that are offline, please make a list so we can add to this master list.
- If there are a lot of files on another video service, let Ray Lutz know so he can run his harvester program on it to extract them.