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CPRA Request to El Cajon on August 18, 2014

Citizens Oversight (2014-08-18) Ray Lutz

This Page:
More Info: Rock Church Ecpac Takeover, Save ECPAC

The following email was sent to Morgan Foley, City Attorney for El Cajon City Council:
PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST OF 3/10/2014 followup...

Thank you Mr. Foley for this response to our CPRA request. I would like to follow up on this request, and make some additional requests, as follows. Please respond as much as possible in electronic form. (I can provide a Internet site which you can upload large files to avoid the need for any CDs) or just send as an email attachment.

1. The September 20 email from Douglas Williford appears to be the first communication regarding the use of ECPAC by the Rock Church. "What is going on with Rock and ECPAC?" On many occasions, Mr. Williford as asserted that the Rock Church was the first party to broach the possibility of renting the theater. However, this email implies the opposite. I would like to clear up this discrepancy. 
--> Please provide any other communications (or identify those that have been withheld due to concerns about legal liability) which predate this 9/20/2013 email from Douglas Williford pointing out that the Rock Church proposed renting the theater.

2. On 2/6/2014, Mr. Williford asked that the Rock Church proposal be turned into a DOC file so he could add comments to it:

>>> Douglas Williford 2/6/2014 5:14 PM >>>
Sorry, can you turn this into a Word doc, I want to add notes to it.

However, we did not find the document with Williford's notes on it. Please produce this.

3. Please provide the proposals submitted by the Rock Church and CCT.

4. Citizens Oversight is always on the watch for conflicts of interest. Asserting that a potential conflict of interest may exist (i.e. earning more money based on decisions made by elected officials, or possibly, in your case, earning more hourly attorney fees if you get into a lengthy suit based on advice you may give to the council) does not mean that actual wrongdoing has occurred. Like it or not, it is our duty to investigate these issues and such questions do not directly assert or imply any wrongdoing. However, it is the case that any possible conflict of interest is to be avoided, even if there is no proven act by such officials based on their interests vs. the interest of the public.

Therefore, please provide your invoices for work performed for the city for the past 5 years, and please provide your contract with the city for our review.

Warm personal regards,
--Ray Lutz

After review of the attorney contracts on line, COPS revoked the request for invoices.


Media Form edit

Title CPRA Request to El Cajon on August 18, 2014
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2014-08-18
Media Link
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Keywords Rock Church Ecpac Takeover, Save ECPAC
Media Type Article
Media Group News, Request Letter
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
LUTZ_CVR_LTR-09032014084307.pdfpdf LUTZ_CVR_LTR-09032014084307.pdf manage 57 K 04 Sep 2014 - 17:32 Raymond Lutz Cover letter
PRA_DETERM_LTR_LUTZ-08282014174649.pdfpdf PRA_DETERM_LTR_LUTZ-08282014174649.pdf manage 111 K 04 Sep 2014 - 17:32 Raymond Lutz Initial determination letter regarding document from Doug Williford
RC_CYT_PROPOSALS_+_MATERIALS-09032014081524.pdfpdf RC_CYT_PROPOSALS_+_MATERIALS-09032014081524.pdf manage 3 MB 04 Sep 2014 - 17:34 Raymond Lutz Rock Church and CCT proposals for lease of ECPAC
Topic revision: r4 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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