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Request For Information Regarding Church Use of Public School Facilities

Citizens Oversight (2014-08-19) Ray Lutz

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Media Link:
More Info: Church State Separation, Rock Church Ecpac Takeover, Save ECPAC

Received this email in reply:

Hi Ray.  Happy to meet with you to discuss this matter.  All the information you requested is available through our website.  Please call Naomie @ 619-588-3005 to schedule a time for us to meet.



  • 27 Aug 2014 -- 9am - Meeting with Cajon Valley Union School District, David Miyashiro, superintendent

From website:

Community Use of Schools

How to Apply:

Organizations wishing to use District facilities must submit a Facility Use Request form. These are available from any school site and from the Facilities, Maintenance & Operations department.

The use form must be approved and signed by the site principal. It is then to be sent to the Facilities, Maintenance & Operations department for approval by the department Director, calculation of any applicable fees or charges, and assignment of custodial personnel, if needed. Invoices will be issued by the District Accounting department.

Non-profit agencies/organizations must provide proof of non-profit status. Certificates of Insurance are required of any individual or organization requesting facility use. The certificate must name the Cajon Valley Union School District as additional insured for one million dollars. The certificate may be included with the facilities use permit or may be mailed or faxed to the Facilities, Maintenance & Operations office.

Field Allocations:

The City of El Cajon Recreation Department assists the District in handling field allocations for sports organizations. Allocations are done twice per year: January and July. Please contact Dan Duffy at Kennedy Center, 619-441-1676, for questions regarding the allocation process. Grass fields are charged at the rate of $5/hour to cover the cost of maintenance and renovation. Dirt fields are allocated at no charge. The city provides a fair and equitable process so that all teams have the opportunity to use District fields.

Facility Use Fee Schedule:

Fees established by the Governing Board Board Policy 1330, revised 9/27/05 Administrative Regulation 1330, revised 9/27/05

All use fees reflected in the following charges are based upon average hourly rates for custodial service plus a nominal charge for utilities associated with use.

$20.00 fee applies to all groups with the exception of school-centered organizations and employee organizations as defined in this regulation. A separate application must be filed for each site requested for use. This application fee will also be applied on that basis.

Item Non-Profit (Personnel are on Duty) Non-Profit (Personnel are Not on Duty) Commercial Use
Application Fee $20.00 $20.00 $20.00
Multi-Purpose Room Fee (up to 3 hours) $78.00 $110.00 $180.00
Kitchen (up to 3 hours) $78.00 $110.00 $180.00
Charge for Each Additional Hour (multi-purpose room/kitchen) $26.00 $37.20 $52.00
Additional custodial time as needed, each hour (when a second custodian is needed for extensive set-up or cleaning) $22.00 $32.20 $32.20
Regular Classroom/Hourly Rate $24.50 $35.70 $66.00
Reservations for baseball, softball, football, soccer, etc... at field that are grassed and irrigated $5.00 per hour with a $15 minimum $5.00 per hour with a $15 minimum $5.00 per hour with a $15 minimum

Questions? Please contact the Administrative Secretary, at 619-588-3023.


Media Form edit

Title Request For Information Regarding Church Use of Public School Facilities
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2014-08-19
Media Link
Embed HTML
Forum Link
Keywords Church State Separation, Rock Church Ecpac Takeover, Save ECPAC
Media Type Article, PDF
Media Group News, Request Letter
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
RFI1483-CajonValleyUnionSchoolDistrict-ChurchUseofSchoolFacilities.pdfpdf RFI1483-CajonValleyUnionSchoolDistrict-ChurchUseofSchoolFacilities.pdf manage 111 K 20 Aug 2014 - 19:13 Raymond Lutz Letter to David Miyashiro, Superintendent of Cajon Valley School District
Topic revision: r4 - 16 Sep 2014, RaymondLutz
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