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Porn Star Ron Jeremy Returns to Rock Church


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June 10th, 2012

Ron Jeremy Porn star at Rock Church: "Jesus Loves Porn Stars"

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Rock Church Re-Invites Adult Porn Star Ron Jeremy, Says Jesus Loves Porn Stars Too!

We want to thank The Old Black Church for the update!

On Sunday, June 10, adult film actor Ron Jeremy returns to the Rock Church for an interviewwith Pastor Miles Mc Pherson on how Jesus loves porn stars.

Pastor Miles Mc Pherson says: “He’s not a Christian, he’s living a sinful life in people’s eyes and his lifestyle is contrary to the Bible but still, we’re obligated to love him.”

We don’t know what happened at the prior meeting they had in 2009 with Jeremy and XXXchurch Pastor Craig Gross. At that time, they squared off at the Rock Church in acontroversial debate on whether the pornography industry is beneficial or detrimental to our society and culture, The Church Report stated. You can watch a video series of Pastor Craig Gross speaking at Rock Church.

According to the video below, Pastor Miles Mc Pherson does not condone pornography, prostitution or the like but wants to welcome the discussion and ultimately get these individuals to surrender to Christ. He believes a porn star can enter the church but once they do so, they are expected to give their lives to Christ and sin no more. This is what is stated in the scriptures: John 8: 3-11.

We are praying that is what happens and it is not just discussed but profoundly made known about salvation is the only way to Christ.

Here’s some info on Ron Jeremy and his background.

In addition to starring in more than 2,000 films, Jeremy is also ranked No. 1 in Adult Video News’ “50 Top Porn Stars of All Time” list. In a debate modified by Pastor Miles Mc Pherson, Jeremy defended his profession against Gross. Gross’ website offers “spiritual solutions” to pornography. The duo has had more than 60 debates since 2006, but the Rock was the first church to ever host the event. Source

In the June 10 church service, Jeremy and Gross will be interviewed by Mc Pherson as part ofthe Rock Church’s “Exposed” message series that challenges attendees to copy Jesus’ modelof unconditional love of the most broken and flawed – the famous and the infamous.

You can watch the services live HERE .

Watch the video of the services for Sunday.


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Title Porn Star Ron Jeremy Returns to Rock Church
Pub Date 2012-06-12
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Keywords Rock Church Ecpac Takeover, Save ECPAC
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Topic revision: r1 - 16 Sep 2014, RaymondLutz
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