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Motion to allow video recording at CPUC hearings and their ruling, denying it.

Citizens Oversight (2015-01-05) Ray Lutz

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More Info: Brown Act, California Public Utilities Commission, Freedom Of Speech

Since we have had trouble with this issue in the past, resulting in confrontations just short of getting arrested, our goal was to get a clear denial so we could proceed to resolve this. We are well positioned now to bring this forward in State court as the denial is very clear and the elements of the case are clear cut.

Here is the video when we first tried setting up the camera at the start of the San Onofre Investigation: CPUC bullies videographer at public meeting


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Title Motion to allow video recording at CPUC hearings and their ruling, denying it.
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2015-01-05
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Keywords Brown Act, California Public Utilities Commission, Freedom Of Speech
Media Type Article, PDF
Media Group News, Legal Doc
Curator Rating Plain
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A14-11-003-COPS-002R1-Motion_for_Ruling_on_Video_Recording_and_Webcast.pdfpdf A14-11-003-COPS-002R1-Motion_for_Ruling_on_Video_Recording_and_Webcast.pdf manage 200 K 17 Jan 2015 - 03:29 Raymond Lutz Our motion requesting a ruling.
RulingInResponseToCOPS-002-Motion_for_Ruling_on_Video_Recording_and_Webcasts.PDFPDF RulingInResponseToCOPS-002-Motion_for_Ruling_on_Video_Recording_and_Webcasts.PDF manage 145 K 17 Jan 2015 - 03:30 Raymond Lutz Ruling denying video recording of public administrative hearings at the CPUC
Topic revision: r2 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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