Children who live in a fluorosis area have 5 times higher odds of developing low IQ than those who live in a nonfluorosis area or a slight fluorosis area. (2008-01-01) Qin-Qing Tang, Jun Du, Heng-Hui Ma, Shao-Jun Jiang, Xiao-Jun Zhou

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This paper presents a systematic review of the literature concerning fluoride that was carried out to investigate whether fluoride exposure increases the risk of low intelligence quotient (IQ) in China over the past 20 years. MEDLINE, SCI, and CNKI search were organized for all documents published, in English and Chinese, between 1988 and 2008 using the following keywords: fluorosis, fluoride, intelligence, and IQ. Further search was undertaken in the website because this is a professional website concerning research on fluoride. Sixteen case-control studies that assessed the development of low IQ in children who had been exposed to fluoride earlier in their life were included in this review. A qualitative review of the studies found a consistent and strong association between the exposure to fluoride and low IQ. The meta-analyses of the case-control studies estimated that the odds ratio of IQ in endemic fluoride areas compared with nonfluoride areas or slight fluoride areas. The summarized weighted mean difference is -4.97 (95%confidence interval [CI] = -5.58 to -4.36; p<0.01) using a fixed-effect model and -5.03 (95%CI = -6.51 to 3.55; p<0.01) using a random-effect model, which means that children who live in a fluorosis area have five times higher odds of developing low IQ than those who live in a nonfluorosis area or a slight fluorosis area.

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Title Children who live in a fluorosis area have 5 times higher odds of developing low IQ than those who live in a nonfluorosis area or a slight fluorosis area.
Author Qin-Qing Tang, Jun Du, Heng-Hui Ma, Shao-Jun Jiang, Xiao-Jun Zhou
Pub Date 2008-01-01
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Keywords Water Fluoridation
Media Type Linked Article
Media Group Research
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Topic revision: r1 - 13 Oct 2015, RaymondLutz
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