Marion County, Florida choosing random race and precincts for tally of 2018-08-28 primary

Citizens Oversight (2018-08-30) Margaret Carlock

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Note from Margaret Carlock


I attended the Marion County Random Draw last night and have uploaded the videos and a snapshot file. Unfortunately, I did not retrieve the snapshot (which is available online) until today because Iā€™d forgotten we needed that. While taping the random draw, I ran out of disk storage on my camera and had to switch to my phone. As a result I missed the ā€œ2000ā€ quadrant balls being loaded into the selection cage. Again this year it was difficult/impossible to see the numbers on the balls; however, they were randomly (within county quadrant) loaded, and the SOE read the number aloud before he dropped in each one. It was difficult to tell whether I was getting the number on the small camera screen. I was only able to view the closeups once I brought the video up on my laptop screen. The balls were very small and I was as close as allowed.

I also recorded and uploaded the provisional ballot review. I will upload 2016 files as time allows.

Hope this is acceptable.


Media Form edit

Title Marion County, Florida choosing random race and precincts for tally of 2018-08-28 primary
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Margaret Carlock
Pub Date 2018-08-30
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Keywords Snapshot Protocol, Snapshot Protocol
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Media Type Video, Meeting
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Topic revision: r2 - 21 Oct 2018, RaymondLutz
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