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Blackwater's bad neighbor policy

Terry Face Place (2007-10-30) Terry

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October 30, 2007

If you want to know if it's a good idea for Blackwater to move into your neighborhood, you can look to Moyok, NC to get a sense of how they are once they've gotten settled in.

According to Mo Jo Blog, a WTKR reporter was not allowed inside Blackwater's bi-annual "community forum". Other community members were kept out because their properties weren't adjacent to Blackwater. According to interviews with some of the 50 people who were allowed into the meeting room that seated 300, the primary concerns of the neighbors were related to the noise and the traffic generated by Blackwater.

He (Blackwater President Gary Jackson) also talked about a possible solution to all the traffic that drives down the narrow Puddin Ridge road to their gate. He hinted that if the Navy builds an outlying landing field on the site near Blackwater it could open the door to a new access road for the compound.

I can't help but think it odd that they think the answer to the traffic and noise is a Navy landing field. Yes, it might grant another access point, but is a noisy, traffic generating NAVY BASE the solution?

According to the video Blackwater Holds Community Forum, found on WTKR's video page, they weren't just trying to keep out "troublemakers"...there's an interview with a man who seems kind of bewildered that he'd be kept out because he supports them. Sounds like once they're in the door, they may not need those friendly residents anymore.

That's not very neighborly, if you ask me.

Media Form edit

Title Blackwater's bad neighbor policy
Publisher Terry Face Place
Author Terry
Pub Date 2007-10-30
Media Link
Keywords Blackwater
Media Type Linked Article
Author Name Sortable
Topic revision: r1 - 06 Nov 2007, CathyMiller
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