Gringo Gazette (2007-05-14) Quintrala Lispergul??
This Page: More Info: Blackwater
A US company, Blackwater, seeks to build a
mercenary training center in the El Hongo area
of Tecate, Mexico. Blackwater describes itself
as “the most complete company in the world
for training and placement of military professionals
and police for maintaining security, peace and
stability”. The company was in the news three
years ago when crowds in Iraq burned and hung
four Blackwater advisors. Blackwater has tried to
locate its training camp in San Diego, but was met
with an extremely negative response from
homeowner’s. The neighbors objected to the idea
of urban assault scenarios, use of live ammunition,
and shooting practices nearby. If San Diego rejects
the proposal, the training center could end up in
Tecate. A bad idea for both Californias.