Doing It Yourself Democracy
Kpfk Radio (2008-02-14)
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Blackwater West,
Local Politics
Doing It Yourself Democracy looks at local Southern California issues from the eyes of resident activists who say: "If not me, who?"
In the first segment, we visit Potrero, California in rural southeast San Diego County, the proposed site of the next Blackwater mercenary training camp. Blackwater flew into town under the radar and the local Planning Group voted to allow the 800-acre project. When locals heard about the plans, they immediately organized a recall election of the members of the Planning Group. On December 11th, 2007, a wildly successful recall sent a strong message to the ultimate decision-makers: San Diego's County Board of Supervisors. Voices include both recalled and newly elected Planning Group members, local residents, and organizer Raymond Lutz. After threatening activities by pro-Blackwater individuals, some residents candidly say they fear the recent Harris wildfire, still unsolved, was set by hostile elements.
Transit advocates, the Bus Riders Union, go to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and lobby for no fare increase in the long range plan. Our microphones capture the movement's voices and amplify the message to get real about the region's transportation needs. This, in a backdrop of election-year politics when it's time to remind the politicians that the job of the locals is to help keep them honest.
And in the third segment, we look at the growing movement in election justice. Judy Alter reveals what she finds as she scratches the surface and then digs deep to get answers. Some of her revelations may shock, others may become inspired to, in their own, small part, hold the system accountable, even in off election years.
This week's Sprouts edition is produced by Kelly Barnes and Norma Martinez from KPFK in Los Angeles, a People without Borders Presentation.