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Conservative Republican Joel Anderson Tied To Pro-Abortion Liberal Brian Bilbray

James Hartline Report (2006-06-08)

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Why would the National Right to Life PAC endorse a long term supporter of abortion like Brian Bilbray? In fact, the National Right to Life PAC is the political activist face of the National Right To Life Committee (, and according to a Dec. 1998 edition of San Diego News Notes, the area's leading pro-life Catholic publication, the NRLC published Bilbray's voting recording on abortion, causing the newspaper to describe Bilbray as one of the most aggressive abortion supporters in Congress:


"KILL THOSE LITTLE FOREIGN BABIES could be the motto of local Congressman Brian Bilbray, if his voting record published on October 12 by National Right to Life is an indication. Bilbray-- a self-defined practicing Catholic who represents coastal San Diego from Imperial Beach to La Jolla and who squeaked a 49 to 43 percent win over lesbian Christine Kehoe in November-- voted pro-abortion five out of five votes in the category "Foreign Aid for Abortion" in 1997-98. Even Jennifer Dunn (R-Washington), the moderate whom Bilbray supported in her failed quest for Richard Armey's majority leader post, voted only two out of five times to export abortion overseas."

"Mr. Pro-Life" Joel Anderson and "Mr. Kill Those Foreign Babies" Brian Bilbray: A Political Marriage Made In Campaign Purgatory

Joel Anderson has had the East San Diego County Catholic pro-life community convinced that he is their man, if elected, to fight for the unborn. He has them convinced.....despite the fact that Anderson worked on the 2004 San Diego City Council campaign of pro-abortion, pro-gay candidate Phil Thalheimer. In fact, Anderson and his company JCA COM, Inc. pocketed over $400,000 from Thalheimer for work on the pro-abortion supporter's campaign. Still, that wasn't enough to convince pro-lifers in the California 77th State Assembly District not to vote for Anderson, who now has secured the Republican primary victory from the June 6th election.

Joel Anderson with Duane Roth taken from Anderson's campaign website. Roth is San Diego's leading advocate for embryonic stem cell research. ( Even a photograph of a smirking Anderson and a stern looking Duane Roth posted on Anderson's campaign website wasn't enough to disuade those committed pro-lifers to divorce Anderson at the polls. Why would Anderson, who claims to be a 100% pro-life candidate, post a photograph on his campaign website with Duane Roth, who is the most significant San Diego promoter of embryonic stem cell research? In fact, Roth is so involved in the pro-abortion industry of embryonic stem cell research, that Governor Schwarzenegger issued this recent, April 6, 2006 press release on Roth: (


April 6, 2006 CIRM Contact: Nicole Pagano (415) 396-9100


LOS ANGELES, CA – Yesterday Governor Schwarzenegger announced the appointment of Duane Roth to the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee (ICOC) for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

Duane Roth, of La Jolla, is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp. Since 2004, Roth has also served as the executive director of CONNECT, a non-profit organization supporting entrepreneurship and promising technology and life sciences businesses in the San Diego area.

“I would like to thank Governor Schwarzenegger for conducting an extensive search and appointing an executive officer of a commercial life science entity to the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee. Duane Roth will bring decades of valuable cross-sector experience within the biotech field to this board,” said Robert Klein, Chairman of the ICOC. “Duane’s leadership as an entrepreneur as well as an economic development proponent in the biotech industry will be a real asset for our effort. We look forward to his active participation and innovative insight.” It is a great honor and privilege to be named to the historic Independent Citizen’s Oversight Committee, and I look forward to working with my esteemed fellow members from all around the state of California. I thank Governor Schwarzenegger for his faith in my ability to ensure that the mission of Proposition 71 is implemented and that the will of 7,000,000 voters becomes reality,” said Roth. “In my many years of experience in the biotech field, I have seldom seen such an exciting and promising area of science as stem cell research, and I look forward to the challenges and the successes we encounter as we push this field forward together, here in the great state of California.”

Prior to founding Alliance, Mr. Roth held senior management positions at American Home Products (now Wyeth) and Johnson & Johnson operating companies. He has served as a member of the Board of Directors and executive committees of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), the California Healthcare Institute (CHI), and BIOCOM.

The Anderson-Roth connection is best proven by analyzing a June 7, 2006 press release issued by the San Diego Lincoln Club (, a group for which Duane Roth is a board member:

Results Show an Outstanding Performance by Republicans

Many Lincoln Club members victorious on Election Day

Lincoln Club members, Republicans, the business community, and San Diegans have a lot to be thankful for! Congressman Brian Bilbray (Lincoln Club member) defeated liberal, leftist Francine Busby in what was the pivotal House race of the year. Lincoln Club members Joel Anderson and Martin Garrick will be the newest Assemblymen in San Diego. Lincoln Club member and District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis won re-election unopposed.

According to the California Secretary of State campaign disclosure filings, Anderson's campaign received $250 from Roth on March 24, 2006. Additionally, Anderson received $1,000 from Steve Francis who serves on the Lincoln Club board with Roth. Both Roth and Francis also serve together on the board of the biotech advocacy group CONNECT (, which is steamrolling the embryonic stem cell industry into San Diego ( Steve Francis Contribution To Joel Anderson.

Shortly after the Francis contribution came into the Anderson campaign, so did an extremely large contribution from multi-millionaire Eric Roach to Anderson for $3,300:

Why would Eric Roach stop campaigning against Brian Bilbray, but donate a large sum of money to help Anderson? How far does this corruptive Bilbray-Anderson trail lead? What the James Hartline Report has uncovered will shock every pro-life activist in San Diego, perhaps America. Never again, will "family values" political organizations be looked at by the Christian Conservative movement in the same way.

On the Joel Anderson campaign website is an endorsement list of some of San Diego's most prominent conservative groups. But one that stands out, which begins to connect the threads in the web of deceit that has been run on East San Diego County pro-lifers by the Anderson-Bilbray conspiracy is the California Pro-Life Council.


Blackwell has extensive ties to Steve Baldwin, best friend of Barry Jantz, the La Mesa City Councilman who was the political engine that has driven the Joel Anderson Campaign for the state legislature. In fact, during television interviews with Anderson during the June 6, 2006 election night coverage, Jantz could be seen standing right behind Anderson. Here is what Councilman Jantz says of Steve Baldwin, who gave money to the Anderson campaign, on his Flashreport blog:

Sunday San Diego: Bilbray-Busby, the Candidate with Two Wives, and More...

by Barry Jantz - San Diego County 6-4-2006 7:45 am

Note to Steve Baldwin: Steve, you're my good friend, a former business partner, and my first campaign manager. You introduced me to my future (and still) wife. I'm glad you've had all those things right.

(Steve Baldwin contributed $100 to Anderson)

Blackwell and Baldwin are not the only Anderson people that Travis Norton is involved with. Travis Norton is actually a paid employee of the Joel Anderson for Assembly campaign! According to the California Secretary of State campaign disclosure website, Norton has been paid thousands of dollars by Anderson for campaign consulting:


Why the California Pro-Life Council has allowed itself to be hijacked by Joel Anderson is a mystery that had better be solved soon before the reputation of more pro-life activism in California is tarnished. As to the National Right to Life Committee endorsing pro-abortion supporter Brian Bilbray, well that simply is not mendable in the eyes of any pro-life activists. And the Anderson-Bilbray political marriage?: it may be hard for them to get professing Catholics that is simply not permissible for them under church teachings.

Media Form edit

Title Conservative Republican Joel Anderson Tied To Pro-Abortion Liberal Brian Bilbray
Publisher James Hartline Report
Pub Date 2006-06-08
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Note Joel Anderson
Keywords Local Politics
Media Type Linked Article
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r1 - 30 Jun 2008, RaymondLutz
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