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Peace activists invade Blackwater

Blackwater Watch (2007-10-21)

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More Info: Blackwater, Blackwater In Moyock

On October 20, 2007 peace activists gathered at the gates of Blackwater USA in Moyock, NC to protest the Massacre at Nisour Square that took place on September 16, 2007. Some of the Catholic Worker protesters staged a re-enactment of the scene to bring a human face to the thousands of nameless victims in Iraq. For more information go to

Media Form edit

Title Peace activists invade Blackwater
Publisher Blackwater Watch
Pub Date 2007-10-21
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Note Nisour Square Massacre
Keywords Blackwater, Blackwater In Moyock
Media Type Video
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Topic revision: r1 - 19 Aug 2008, RaymondLutz
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