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Blackwater USA and The Backup Training Corporation Announce Strategic Partnership: Companies aim to promote each other's products and services.

PRWEB (2007-04-23) Blackwater

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Moyock, NC (PRWEB) April 23, 2007 -- Blackwater USA is pleased to announce its new strategic partnership with The Backup Training Corporation, which provides top-notch computer-based training courses on current topics and is recognized as the leader in computer-based training for the law enforcement industry. Blackwater will begin distributing these products through its pro shop.

In addition, Blackwater will become the exclusive provider of practical skill development training for The Backup in the areas of firearms and tactics training, Law Enforcement training, Law Enforcement Special Operations training, K9 training, military training, security and Law Enforcement driving training and aviation training.

"We are excited about our new partnership with The Backup Training Corporation," said Blackwater's Vice President for Training, Jim Sierawski. "It is a training partner that allows us to offer our customers a computer based training capability. The Backup is the world's leader in Law Enforcement computer based training and Blackwater is the world's leader in firearms and tactics training. Together we can offer customers a wide range of complete training services that is unmatched in the industry."

The benefits of the computer-based training courses are numerous including: an easy-to-use and visually engaging format, cost effective and consistent delivery, trackable student interaction, and flexibility in training sessions by allowing users to train anytime, anywhere, even when not connected to a network or the Internet.

"We believe that Blackwater and The Backup present a powerful combination working together," commented Richard Gallia, CEO of The Backup. "Practical skills training and digital training are highly complementary and are becoming inextricably linked. Partnering with a company like Blackwater will put The Backup right in the middle of some of the most important training work in the world. We are tremendously excited."

Established in 1997, The Backup strives to provide the best training and technology-based solutions to enhance the lives and safety of those who serve in the fields of law enforcement, public service and national defense.

Based in Moyock, North Carolina, Blackwater USA maintains the most comprehensive private tactical training facility in the United States. With its newest training facility now open in Mount Carroll, IL and providing mobile training units anywhere in the world, Blackwater is committed to security, peace, and freedom everywhere.

Media Form edit

Title Blackwater USA and The Backup Training Corporation Announce Strategic Partnership: Companies aim to promote each other's products and services.
Publisher PRWEB
Author Blackwater
Pub Date 2007-04-23
Media Link
Keywords Blackwater
Media Type Linked Article
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Jul 2007, RaymondLutz
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