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Evidence-Based Critique on America's Healthcare System

Citizens Oversight (2009-07-15) Jeoffry B. Gordon, MD, MPH

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Jeoffry B. Gordon, MD, MPH, presents this damning critique of America's Healthcare system, with the primary culprit being the for-profit insurance system. He uses data from sources such as the American Cancer Society to show that our healthcare system is clearly not the best in the world, but it does have the highest level of waste and profits that have nothing to do with providing care to patients.

Dr. Gordon supports the single-payer approach to eliminate insurance waste and overhead, which alone accounts for about 16% of the waste in the current system.

Clearly, the healthcare segment is a broken marketplace and is not well suited, at least in its present form, to optimize to provide optimal care or low-cost care. Instead, it is optimized to provide maximal profits.

The presentation was given to the East County Democratic Club on July 15, 2009. (This is version 2 of the presentation with corrections suggested by Dr. Gordon.


  • DEMOPres_8_09.ppt: Original Powerpoint Presentation as provided by Dr. Gordon (Not all slides used in the actual presentation.)

Media Form edit

Title Evidence-Based Critique on America's Healthcare System
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Jeoffry B. Gordon, MD, MPH
Pub Date 2009-07-15
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Note Healthcare Reform
Keywords Healthcare Policy
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Media Type Video
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
DEMOPres_8_09.pptppt DEMOPres_8_09.ppt manage 4 MB 26 Jun 2014 - 21:20 Raymond Lutz Original Powerpoint Presentation as provided by Dr. Gordon (Not all slides used in the actual presentation.)
Topic revision: r8 - 05 Aug 2018, RaymondLutz
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