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Labor excesses show in firing of chief

Union Tribune (2010-01-16) Linda Strom

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Labor excesses show in firing of chief

Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 12:04 a.m.

I am writing this letter as a protest to a preplanned labor union action (“Residents blame union for ouster of fire chief,” Jan. 19) to dismiss Fire Chief Mark Baker from the Lakeside Fire Protection District.

He worked very diligently with the Upper San Diego River Improvement Project, the Lakeside Community Planning Group, and the public for everyone’s benefit. The union, rather than take a pay cut like most groups in these hard times, worked diligently to fire one of the people who has so supported our community. The labor representatives are willing to eliminate the Fire Prevention Program to serve their own interests. The union was unwilling to take “the cut,” a reduction in salary or benefits.

It is time to eliminate the union that is an encumbrance on the safety of Lakeside residents. Unions, like big government, have outlived their usefulness, and now are a hindrance to society when everyone has to tighten their belts.

Labor unions’ sense of entitlement is destroying a system that worked, and was headed by a chief who had the community’s best interests at heart. His work, and help, during the horrific fire of 2007 was an example of his dedication to the Lakeside Fire Protection District.


Vice Chair

Lakeside Community Planning Board

2003 Cedar fire survivor

Media Form edit

Title Labor excesses show in firing of chief
Publisher Union Tribune
Author Linda Strom
Pub Date 2010-01-16
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Note Lakeside Fire Board
Media Type Linked Article
Media Group Op Ed
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Topic revision: r1 - 28 Jan 2010, RaymondLutz
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