(M228) 2007-10-14 Blackwater Chief Welcomes Extra Oversight -- Lara Logan, Sixty Minutes,
(M210) 2007-10-03 John Edwards takes position on Blackwater -- Keith Olbermann, John Edwards, Ms Nbc,
(M191) 2007-10-02 Robert Greenwald vs. Frank Gaffney regarding Blackwater -- Chris Matthews, Robert Greenwald, Frank Gaffney, Hard Ball,
(M657) 2007-09-24 Biofuels: The Science of Creating Greener Energy -- , Ucsd Tv Molecules For The Media,
(M174) 2007-09-21 The truth behind Blackwater -- Keith Olbermann, Jeremy Scahill, Ms Nbc,
(M176) 2007-09-20 Jeremy Scahill, Author, 'Blackwater' comments on recent events in Iraq regarding Blackwater -- JeremyScahill, C Span,
(M165) 2007-09-18 Can Iraq (or Anyone) Hold Blackwater Accountable for Killing Iraqi Civilians? A Debate on the Role of Private Contractors in Iraq -- Amy Goodman Jeremy Scahill Doug Brooks, DemocracyNow,
(M166) 2007-09-18 Security Firm With Sites On East County, Ordered Out Of Iraq -- RaymondLutz, NBCSan Diego,
(M629) 2007-08-15 Cheney in 1994 on Iraq: 'would be a quagmire' -- Dick Cheney, YouTube, For once, he was right, but he wanted Halliburton to be making money on the quagmire, and then it's okay!
(M133) 2007-08-11 Blackwater North Gathering at the Gate -- , Video News Service,
(M106) 2007-08-09 Blackwater Report Broadcast Aug. 9 On KNBC -- Paul Moyer, KNBC,
(M91) 2007-07-24 Blackwater Opponents Say County Employee Has Conflict of Interest -- AmitaSharma, KPBS Full Focus,
(M73) 2007-07-13 Blackwater Military Firm Bears Extended Local Backlash -- AmitaSharma, KPBS Full Focus,
(ZeitgeistTheMovie) 2007-06-25 Zeitgeist The Movie -- , Peter Joseph, Promoted by CitizensOversight [ Screened 2007-09-16 at RanchoSanDiegoLibrary. Have DVD. ] PublicAccessTV
(M630) 2007-05-25 The Iraq War: Legal or Illegal? -- , Pinky Show,
(M33) 2007-05-23 Pivotal Family Lawsuit Against Blackwater USA Blocked from Court -- and Moved to Panel with Company Ties -- Amy Goodman, Jeremy Scahill, Bill Sizemore, DemocracyNow,
(M35) 2007-05-23 News 8 Exclusive: Secret 'Covert Canyon' Training Camp Operating In Alpine -- Marc Halcon, News 8, [Includes two parts]
(M18) 2007-05-01 A Broad Look at Blackwater USA Jeremy Scahill -- JeremyScahill, FullFocus,
(M13) 2007-04-19 Blackwater Plans for New Military Facility Near San Diego Draws Fire From Residents, Peace Activists and Local Congressmember -- Amy Goodman, Jeremy Scahill, Rep. Bob Filner, Raymond Lutz, DemocracyNow,
(M2) 2007-04-05 Mercenary Camp -- , KNSD-TV, Features CarlMeyer, RaymondLutz
(M4) 2007-04-05 Potrero Residents Oppose Training Facility -- , KusiNews,
(M707) 2007-02-21 JFK II - The Bush Connection -- , , [ Screened 2008-06-29 at RanchoSanDiegoLibrary. Have DVD.]
(M810) 2007-02-20 9/11: The Myth and Reality -- David Ray Griffin, 9/11 TV.org, Theologian David Ray Griffin carefully reviews the official myth of events of 9/11. 90 min.
(M1549) 2007-01-09 Dennis Leary On Public Communications -- Dennis Leary, YouTube, Video emphasizes that the body can briefly discuss the item and put it on a future agenda, at the Ojai City Council Meeting
(M942) 2007-01-01 Occupation 101 -- , TRIP’OL’II PRODUCTIONS, Publication date is an estimate.