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9/11: The Myth and Reality

9/ (2007-02-20) David Ray Griffin

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More Info: Current Events Theater, Nine Eleven, Public Access TV

9/11 - The Myth and the Reality is already considered by many to be the best 9/11 Truth DVD available. This lecture was videotaped with six cameras at two locations: March 30, 2006, at Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, and the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on April 3. Griffin's stellar talk is generously illustrated with many graphics and video clips.

The talk opened as follows:
Although I am a philosopher of religion and theologian, I have spent most of my time during the past three years on 9/11---studying it, writing about it, and speaking about it. In this lecture, I will try to make clear why I believe this issue worthy of so much time and energy. I will do this in terms of the distinction between myth and reality. Griffin continues: Given the role the official account of 9/11 has played and continues to play, the most important question before our country today is whether this account... is a myth in the pejorative sense--that is, whether it is simply false.

Griffin then outlines and detailed nine of the many myths in the official story of the 9/11 attacks that are demonstrably false.

He concludes: The official story of 9/11, serving as a national religious myth, has been used to justify two wars, which have caused many tens of thousands of deaths; to start a more general war on Islam, in which Muslims are considered guilty until proven innocent; to annul and violate civil rights; and to increase our military spending, which was already greater than that of the rest of the world combined, by hundreds of billions of dollars, partly so that weapons can be put into space.

  • Thumbnail of David Ray Griffin:

  • DVD Cover:

Media Form edit

Title 9/11: The Myth and Reality
Publisher 9/
Author David Ray Griffin
Pub Date 2007-02-20
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Note Theologian David Ray Griffin carefully reviews the official myth of events of 9/11. 90 min.
Keywords Current Events Theater, Nine Eleven, Public Access TV
Media Type Video
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Thumbnail Link DrDavidRayGriffinSpeaking101x101.jpg
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
9-11MythAndRealityDVDCover.jpgjpg 9-11MythAndRealityDVDCover.jpg manage 50 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz DVD Cover
DrDavidRayGriffinSpeaking101x101.jpgjpg DrDavidRayGriffinSpeaking101x101.jpg manage 3 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:23 Raymond Lutz Thumbnail of David Ray Griffin
Topic revision: r8 - 11 Mar 2015, RaymondLutz
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