9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions -- Dr. Steven Jones (60)
9/11 and Nationalist Faith
9/11 a Psychological Operation - Ken Jenkins
Winter Soldier - Veterans Resistance to the Wars in Irag and Afghanistan
A new standard for deception - Dr. Kevin Ryan (60)
9/11: Let's Get Empirical
The Necessity of the Conversion of the Military Industrial Complex
The Psychological Implications of 9/11 (59:12)
We were also killed
Nuclear war in Iraq
Be the media
KPFA Intellectuals Speak Out (2 hr)
Truth and Politics
9/11 and the American Empire: How should religious people respond? (David Ray Griffin)
Flights of Fancy
Behind every terrorist there is a Bush
9/11 Guilt - Jim Hoffman
September Eleventh Revisited - Dustin Mugford
Perspective on 9-11 - Ken Jenkins
The Great Conspiracy -- Barrie Zwicker
Confronting the Evidence - Jimmer Walter
WTC Demolition - Jim Hoffman
Psychological Operations and 9/11
Hidden Massacre and Poison DUst
9/11 Truth Squads – A Strategy for 2007" Webster Tarpley at his best! Lot's of slides. Insightful historical perspective. (1:58:22)
Blueprint for Truth, Richard Gage (60, 30, 10)
The power of Nightmares
The Century of Self
The Trap
History of Oil Robert Newman's highly aclaimed, highly British comedy routine starting with the beginnings of the use of oil in warfare during the first Iraq war (that's WWI) through now (WWIII?). Actually, as most people know, we have not finished WWII.
Steven Jones presentation at American Scholars Symposium
Congressional Briefing Cynthia Mc Kinney (D-GA) held hearings on the 9/11 Commission Report. Commission Report. All day event Two DVDs.
"The Great Deception"by Barrie Zwicker (45 min) The first major media questioning of the events of 9/11/2001. Shown only in Canada in seven weekly installments beginning 1/12/2002. Comes with TGC (1:15) uncut on same disc.
The Power of Nightmares by the BBC. Three one-hour episodes deconstructing the al-queda myth all on one DVD. Never shown in is country.
Navigating the Falling Dollar
Stolen Elections
Facts & Myths about Joining the Military
What I learned about U.S. Foreign Policy
Have these DVDs
9/11 the Myth and Reality
9/11 Dust and Deceit
In their own words - Untold stories of 9/11 Families
Facing the 9/11 Truth - Barry Zwicker and Webster Tarpley
9/11 Scholars Symposium Panel -- C-Span June 25, 2006
Improbable Collapse -- (Copyrighted)
9/11 and the American Empire: Intellectuals speak out 9/24/06 Berkeley