Event Promotion Team

We are trying a new approach to event promotion. The number of places on the internet that we can promote our events (for free) has grown substantially, and this makes it harder for one person to promote each event. As a result, many of our events are not fully promoted. The Event Promotion Team should fix this problem by breaking this (somewhat lengthy) task into smaller chunks. The goal is for one person to have about 5 minutes of work to do, and that is about it, for each event. If we have a number of events, it might add up to 15 or 20 minutes, and that needs to be done only occasionally. However, it must be stressed, that although the amount of work is small, it needs to be done quickly to meet the promotional deadlines of various publications in the area.

Please consider becoming a member of the Event Promotion Team.

Here are your steps:
  1. Visit this page and become a member of the site, here: Basic Instructions. If you are a member, you can help to update the status of each event, in terms of how well it has been promoted.
  2. OPTIONAL: Read this document, How To Promote Events, which is a bit dated now, but still mostly valid in terms of explaining the wiki.
  3. Send an email to raylutz@citizensoversight.org to become authorized to use the site and to get your assignment.
  4. As a member of the Event Promotion Team, you will not be responsible for creating the information about the event, but simply visiting web sites filling in their calendars. You will be responsible for one or two web sites so you can become accustomed to them and so it won't take you very long to help with this task.
  5. Please accept a warm pat on the back for helping out!

How you will promote:

  1. You will receive an email saying that the events have been updated.
  2. Go to the page: http://www.copswiki.org/w/bin/view/Events/WebHome and look over the list
  3. At first, you may have a bit of a backlog to promote. Start at the top or select an event that you know is not promoted yet (a new one).
  4. Make sure you check to see if the site is already promoted. It is best to check on the site itself to see if the event is listed, don't rely on the checkmark in our tracking page.
  5. Go to the site and add the event.
    • Each one is a bit different, but they try to be "self explanatory".
    • Make sure you pick AM/PM correctly
    • Fully explore the tabs on the page if there are any.
    • Fill out their forms, in terms of time, date, title, etc. based on the information on the detailed page about the event.
    • Copy and Paste in the description from (probably) the Calendar Entry text. You might want to edit this a bit.
    • Click submit, and then check the entry to make sure it looks good.
  6. When you have submitted it to the site, then click [Edit] on the detail page for the event, and checkmark the site where you promoted the event.
  7. Done! Now go the next site or event on your list.

Summary of promotional Assignments.

Each of the items below "Should" have a person assigned. It is envisioned that each team member will handle a couple of web sites, calendars, etc. Please note that you may have to set up an account on those sites to be able to submit to them. The person assigned to promote to each site will be show in the "Tool Tip" column.

Promo Calendars

Name Type Tooltip message
Craigslist Calendar Option http://sandiego.craigslist.org/esd/cal
East County Magazine Option Send email to mailto:editor@eastcountymagazine.org
Fox 6 News Option http://community.fox6.com/calendar
KPBS Calendar Option http://www.kpbs.org/arts_events/calendar/submit_event
LA Indy Media Option (Promotion by: Raymond Lutz) Only for Los Angeles or Big events - LA Indy Media
NBC Option http://events.nbcsandiego.com/events/new -- Limited to 175 char description.
SDCDP Calendar Option http://www.sddemocrats.org/events.asp
SD City Beat Option http://www.sdcitybeat.com/sandiego/events
SD Indy Media Option http://sandiego.indymedia.org/
SDReader Option http://www.sandiegoreader.com/submit_event/ -- Requires IE + cookies enabled. (Deadline for email submission is 5 p.m. on Friday prior to issue.)
SD U-T Night and Day Option http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/night-and-day/
Voice of San Diego Option http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/calendar/submit/
Mission Times Courier Option http://www.missiontimescourier.com/calendar.cfm Good for nonpartisan types of events

Promo Web Pages

Name Type Tooltip message
ECDC Home Option [Promotion by: Raymond Lutz ]
COPS Home Option [Promotion by: Raymond Lutz ]
SBW Home Option [Promotion by: Raymond Lutz ]
Current Events Theater Option [Promotion by: Raymond Lutz ]

Promo Emails

Name Type Tooltip message
Media Dist List Option See Local News Media (News releases, Local significance) [Promotion by: (open) ]
Extended Media Dist List Option See Local News Media (News releases, State/National significance)
ECDC-list Option list@ecdcweb.org [Promotion by: (open) ]
ECDC-announce Option announce@ecdcweb.org [Promotion by: (open) ]
blackwater Option blackwater@citizensoversight.org [Promotion by: (open) ]
Cops Main Option copsmain@citizensoversight.org [Promotion by: (open) ]
Occupy San Diego Option occupysd@citizensoversight.org [Promotion by: (open) ]
Council of Clubs Option http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SDCouncilOfDemocraticClubs/ (If appropriate for leaders of all Dem clubs in the county.) [Promotion by: (open) ]
Progressive Coalition Option ProgressivePatriots-list@meetup.com (anything goes) [Promotion by: (open) ]
Mission Times Courier Option http://www.missiontimescourier.com Send press releases, run by Jim Madaffer
Topic revision: r3 - 28 Aug 2009, RaymondLutz
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