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Occupy Update!

Occupy the Border Wall -- Broken heart at the border.
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Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers
by a number of volunteers.
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast
should confirm all information from other sources.
- West Coast Port Shutdown on December 12
- Occupy SD benefit concert at The Ruby Room on December 14.
- Tell your friends either in person, through tweeting a link on Twitter (remember to include #osd, #occupysandiego, and/or #occupysd), confirm you are attending on a Facebook event, reblog on Tumblr, or just print out some flyers and pass them out to your friends, loved-ones, acquaintances, as well as those who will soon fall into one of those categories once you give them a flyer.
- Occupier John Kenney arrested for "sleeping" at Freedom Square.
- John Kenney, who is on Day 33 (as of Dec 10th) of his hunger strike protesting this lack of response from our elected leaders had begun to occupy the area in front of the doors into City Hall as part of his continuing protest that the City Council to agree to discuss Occupy San Diego as an agenda item.
- At around 12:30 on the morning of Dec. 10th, John was arrested for illegal lodging while awake.
- Arrests Update!
- Of the 51 arrested on Oct 21 only 3 were charged.
- Next court date is around January 15th
- Looking for more details
- Charges have not been filed but authorities reserve the right to file them if protestors are involved in any activity FOR A YEAR. What a pathetic way to put legal handcuffs on free speech.
Despite what you might hear on the corporate-owned news:
- The occupation continues, around the clock.
- PLEASE COME DOWN when you can and help with numbers. This is your true vote. Stay at home = vote against 99%.
- Tents and almost everything is now being restricted by the police.
- Food is needed -- we no longer have a food table, so you'll have to play it by ear.
- We will not be denied our constitutional right to assemble and speak!
- Many Teach-ins on Sunday!
To update your mailing list preferences, including unsubscribing, go to this address: <== click here to see the rest of the report.
- Temporary Restraining Order
- Read all details here: Background, Court Documents and Ruling
- Decision was reached on Dec 1. Judge DENIED TRO
- Judge said the law was "narrowly drawn" which is nothing but unbelievable.
- We STILL need video documentation of police hassling people about setting stuff down. If you have such a video, please contact us at so I can get it to the right people.
Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
This topic has been moved to the "Common" web with other similar projects.
Click here:
Common.Voter Registration Arrest Of Ray Lutz
- More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
- This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.
Things YOU can do right now to help.
Opeds Submitted
Have you submitted a letter to the UT or another publication? Send it to and we'll publish it here! They may not print it, but we will.
2011 Dec 12
- Change For A Dollar Is he asking for Change, or is he asking for CHANGE? Follow a man as he affects multiple peoples' lives with just one dollar, proving that it doesn't take much to be the change in someone's life.
- Children of OWS post paper hearts, cops rip them down An anti-bullying march by parents and children directed against the New York Police Department’s arrests of peaceful protesters encountered a first-hand taste of what they were protesting against when police ripped down the paper hearts the children were attempting to post at City Hall.
- Tokyo General Union Supports West Coast Port Shutdown Tokyo General Union supports the upcoming West Coast Port Shutdown and the Occupy Movement. We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters taking such a courageous action to end this system that brings untold riches to the 1% at the expense of the 99%
All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
- Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.
- To check if someone is in jail check this website:
- It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.
Legal Resources
- The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested (619) 417-4813
- 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
- What to say to cops if you're busted. *What you say and do can hurt you in court This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer:
"Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from:
Unless noted, all events are at "Freedom Square" (the San Diego
Civic Center Plaza, 1200 3rd Ave. San Diego, Intersection of 3rd Ave. and B St.)
Unless otherwise noted, we meet daily as follows:
- 4 pm -- Finance Committee Meeting, Downtown Johnny Brown's, Mon. thru Friday
- Each committee should send a representative to this meeting! Budget is currently being defined.
- 5:30 pm -- Committee meetings -- many meet at the "big circle" (the part of the plaza where there's map of San Diego in a big circle) with very few exceptions.
- 7pm -- General Assembly (Civic Center Plaza)
* From December 17, Saturday GA will be at 2pm.
Warning: Can't find named section OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2011Dec12 in topic Occupy.OccupySanDiegoEvents
National Coordination
- Occupy Together
- Interoccupy Group Consensus Proposal -- proposes a mechanism for accepting proposals for processing so as to reach global consensus.
- National Occupy Conference Calls: There are weekly conference calls between Occupy sites. We need reps from appropriate committees to join in the conference call. Unfortunately, it is Monday at 7pm, our GA time.
Occupy San Diego & Imperial County (Visit each site and "Like" it)
- Occupy Encinitas
- Occupy Oceanside
- Occupy Escondido
- Organizing & they are talking about occupying soon. They meet twice a week for now, but the days and times change.
- They want more input on the next meeting on their FB page
- Occupy Mira Mesa
- Occupy Mission Bay
- Occupy Imperial County
- Women Occupy San Diego
- Occupy Chula Vista
- Occupy San Diego SDSU
- Occupy Mesa College
- People's Assembly at UCSD (in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.)
- Occupy Cal State San Marcos (CSUSM)
Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:
User's Tip
Since we get new subscribers every day much of the email blast will be the same as the last one. BUT, you can view JUST THE DIFFERENCES if you want to, so you can read it faster.
- Go to the web version of the email blast.
- Scroll to the bottom. Click "More Topic Actions"
- Go to the sections "Compare Revisions"
- Compare the current topic ("3" in this one) to 1 (which is the prior day's)
- Click COMPARE.
- This does not show some changes, like images, so you should scan the original email too.
- At the bottom of the original topic, you can view any older version (click the numbers) or comparisons ("<") by clicking on the list. (Doesn't work for our case of comparing one day to the next because there are usually several revisions before the final one, so you have to use the "Compare Revisions" function.
If you have:
- lists of emails that should be subscribed
- events or notices that should be included
- needs or wants to request from our supporters
- specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.
Edited by Email Blast Team:
- Ray Lutz
- Josephine P.
- Jason Packman
- Jay Jayakumar
- Benjamin Knob (GA reports)
- Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
- New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.