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Occupy Update!
Occupy San Diego is comprised of many people
with diverse opinions. This email does not provide
the official position of Occupy San Diego, but is
compiled for the use of supporters and occupiers
by a number of volunteers.
News Media that may subscribe to this email blast
should confirm all information from other sources.
- BAH HUMBUG! City of San Diego removes Christmas Tree from Civic Center plaza and detains several peaceful citizens in the process. <== click here to see the rest of the report.
Upcoming Events
- 17 Jan 2012 - Million tent protest in Washington D.C.
- Occupy Greyhound Update: OSD to Occupy Greyhound to OD.C. to be part of the 1 million tent protest. We are leaving on the 13th and returning in SD on the 25th. We have 12 people going and we were able to purchase 8 tickets from donations. We will still be collecting donations for the use of going to some tourist attractions while we are in DC as a group, in matching Occupy San Diego clothing hopefully. We are also working on getting a hold of all the local media stations so when we stop there should be coverage of our trip (hopefully). We are going to get with education committee to see if there can be some classes to make sure everyone is up to speed on all the important issues currently infesting our world. I am very thankful for all the support we have received from the community of people that could not go but wanted to see this trip become a reality. If you would like to know who is going PM me and I will ask everyone if they want me to inform the public on their intent to go to DC. (A few think the cops will target them to make it so they can not go). Please Contribute. BIG HUGS AND HUGE THANKS
Despite what you might hear on the corporate-owned news:
- The occupation continues, around the clock.
- PLEASE COME DOWN when you can and help with numbers. This is your true vote. Stay at home = vote against 99%.
- Tents and almost everything is now being restricted by the police.
- Food is needed -- we no longer have a food table, so you'll have to play it by ear.
- We will not be denied our constitutional right to assemble and speak!
- Many Teach-ins on Sunday!
To update your mailing list preferences, including unsubscribing, go to this address:
- Temporary Restraining Order
- Read all details here: Background, Court Documents and Ruling
- Decision was reached on Dec 1. Judge DENIED TRO
- Judge said the law was "narrowly drawn" which is nothing but unbelievable.
- We STILL need video documentation of police hassling people about setting stuff down. If you have such a video, please contact us at so I can get it to the right people.
Lutz suing Civic Center Plaza building owners and operators Project Details
- More on this project... Including collected media, documents, photos, videos, etc.
- This is a VERY IMPORTANT project because we will directly engage wall street firms who own and operate the Civic Center Plaza office building.
Things YOU can do right now to help.
Opeds Submitted
Have you submitted a letter to the UT or another publication? Send it to and we'll publish it here! They may not print it, but we will.
Benjamin is obviously an experienced journalist who will be contributing regular articles to this MIC CHECK email blast. Check out an example of his excellent work, below!
San Diego Police Cite Marine Corps Vet for Carrying American Flag
Members of Occupy San Diego respond with massive rally
by Benjamin Cossel --
SAN DIEGO -- Iraq war veteran, Marine Lance Cpl. John Canter holds a “Mic Check,” Dec. 23, prior to leading a group of protestors from the downtown San Diego intersection of 4th Avenue and B Street ending at Civic Center Plaza, renamed Freedom Plaza by members of the Occupy San Diego movement. The protest was in response to actions earlier that day by members of the San Diego Police Department who cited Canter for carrying an American flag. Members of the police department who issued the misdemeanor citation deemed the pole, upon which the flag was attached, too large. Photo by Benjamin Cossel
SAN DIEGO -- Protestors from Occupy San Diego, Move and Veterans for Peace take to the streets of San Diego, Dec. 23 to protest the citation of Iraq war veteran, Marine Lance Cpl. John Canter who was cited for carrying the American flag on an illegal sized pole the night prior. Photo by Benjamin Cossel
SAN DIEGO -- A protestor with the Occupy San Diego movement prepares a sign, Dec. 23, at Civic Center Plaza in preparation of a solidarity rally for Occupy Egypt. Photo by Benjamin Cossel.
SAN DIEGO -- At approximately 9:40 p.m., Dec. 22, members of the San Diego Police Department cited Iraq war veteran, Marine Lance Cpl. John Canter for carrying an American flag at Civic Center Plaza, home to the Occupy San Diego movement.
Earlier that same evening, another protestor was arrested for lighting a bundle of sage in celebration of the Winter Solstice.
Using an obscure municipal code, Canter was cited under section 53.30 which prohibits certain item at protests and other such events.
San Diego municipal code section 53.30 states: “No person shall carry or possess while participating in any demonstration, rally, picket line or public assembly any metal stake, club, or pipe, or any length of lumber, wood, or lath, unless that wooden object is 1/4'' or less in thickness. and 2” or less in width. If not generally rectangular in shape, such wooden object shall not exceed 1/2” in its thickest dimension."
In what would appear a case of selective enforcement, no member of the San Diego Tea Party as been cited under the same guise despite large Tea Party protests and gatherings in San Diego where the American flag, on an apparently illegal size pole, was displayed.
In an interview with, San Diego Police Department assistant chief Boyd Long said officers could tell the flag pole was larger than regulations allowed.
"I don't know that it takes an expert to make a determination on what is or isn't thicker than one-half of an inch," Long said. "They got back to the station. They did measure it. It was three-quarters of an inch thick. So it is in violation."
“I was in shock when they told me I couldn’t carry the flag,” Canter said. “I have never in my life been told I couldn’t carry an American flag. It’s clear they were just looking for a reason to cite me specifically, as a veteran.”
Elaborating, Canter added many members of the Occupy San Diego movement appreciate the presence of veterans at the occupation of Civic Center Plaza and look to veterans of the community as a source of strength and pride. Canter, who served in the Al Anbar province of Iraq from April 2007 to November 2007, is a regular at the plaza in his Marine Corps desert combat uniform.
“The cops saw this as a chance to say ‘we’re not afraid to go after a veteran,’” the young Marine said. “It was a chance for them to say ‘we’re in charge.’”
Following the incident, calls went out on the Occupy San Diego Facebook page for an impromptu rally to, as described by rally organizers, take the American flag back from SDPD.
At 4 p.m., Dec. 23, protestors from Occupy San Diego, Veterans for Peace and
Move rallied at the corners of 4th Avenue and B Street in downtown San Diego. Nearly all of the more than 70 protestors carried American flags on illegal sized poles while others draped the flag around their necks.
“I was really surprised by the number of people that came out for this,” said Canter who led the march.
“We had already planned a rally in support of Occupy Egypt for later that evening but to see this many people come out for the flag was really inspiring,” Canter said.
Reflecting back on his time in Iraq, Canter said he and his fellow Marines often looked to the flag as a source of pride and something they could rally around.
“It’s really important to me,” he said of the American flag. “Especially when you’re away, in a foreign country, to see the flag and be reminded of what America, at least used to, stand for.”
Canter said one thing he would like to make clear, while the flag is currently being held under his name by the San Diego Police, the flag itself belongs to Occupy San Diego, given to the group as a gift.
After nearly an hour protesting at Civic Center plaza, protestors marched nearly five blocks to the San Diego Federal Courthouse for a solidarity rally in support of the Occupy Egypt movement.
Since the Occupy San Diego movement began in early October, nearly 139 protestors have been arrested. Charges have been brought against only 29 of those arrested.
Links to
You Tube videos
Marine cited for carrying American flag
March in support of Occupy Egypt and Lance Cpl. John Canter
Footage by Eugene Z. Davidovich
Warning: Can't find named section OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2011Dec26 in topic Occupy.AllOccupySanDiegoMedia
All Occupy San Diego Announcements to read all previous announcements about
- Where we meet, how to recover confiscated property from the San Diego Police Department, information for people were arrested, etc.
- To check if someone is in jail check this website:
- It usually takes about 6 hours for someone who has been arrested to pop up here. This site will tell you their charges, bail, etc. Jail's number is (619) 615-2700. The jail won't tell you much if anything that is not on the website. Please check this website before saying someone is in or out of jail to avoid confusion.
Legal Resources
- The National Lawyers Guild resources to protesters who have been arrested (619) 417-4813
- 1st Circuit Rules Public Has Right to Videotape Police
- What to say to cops if you're busted. *What you say and do can hurt you in court This is what I advise my clients to say when confronted by a law enforcement officer:
"Officer, please understand I refuse to talk with you until I consult with my attorney. I also refuse to consent to any search of these premises or any other premises under my control, or in which I have a possessory, proprietary, or privacy interest, including my car, my body, or effects. I hereby demand to immediately be allowed the reasonable opportunity to obtain the advice of my attorney by telephone. from:
Unless noted, all events are at "Freedom Square" (the San Diego
Civic Center Plaza, 1200 3rd Ave. San Diego, Intersection of 3rd Ave. and B St.)
Unless otherwise noted, we meet daily as follows:
- 4 pm -- Finance Committee Meeting, Downtown Johnny Brown's, Mon. thru Friday
- Each committee should send a representative to this meeting! Budget is currently being defined.
- 5:30 pm -- Committee meetings -- many meet at the "big circle" (the part of the plaza where there's map of San Diego in a big circle) with very few exceptions.
- 7pm -- General Assembly (Civic Center Plaza)
* From December 17, Saturday GA will be at 2pm.
Warning: Can't find named section OccupySanDiegoEmailBlast2011Dec26 in topic Occupy.OccupySanDiegoEvents
National Coordination
- Occupy Together
- Interoccupy Group Consensus Proposal -- proposes a mechanism for accepting proposals for processing so as to reach global consensus.
- National Occupy Conference Calls: There are weekly conference calls between Occupy sites. We need reps from appropriate committees to join in the conference call. Unfortunately, it is Monday at 7pm, our GA time.
Occupy San Diego & Imperial County (Visit each site and "Like" it)
- Occupy Encinitas
- Occupy Oceanside
- Occupy Escondido
- Organizing & they are talking about occupying soon. They meet twice a week for now, but the days and times change.
- They want more input on the next meeting on their FB page
- Occupy Mira Mesa
- Occupy Mission Bay
- Occupy Imperial County
- Women Occupy San Diego
- Occupy Chula Vista
- Occupy San Diego SDSU
- Occupy Mesa College
- People's Assembly at UCSD (in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.)
- Occupy Cal State San Marcos (CSUSM)
Links to sites/pages below that are no longer actively updated:
User's Tip
Since we get new subscribers every day much of the email blast will be the same as the last one. BUT, you can view JUST THE DIFFERENCES if you want to, so you can read it faster.
- Go to the web version of the email blast.
- Scroll to the bottom. Click "More Topic Actions"
- Go to the sections "Compare Revisions"
- Compare the current topic ("3" in this one) to 1 (which is the prior day's)
- Click COMPARE.
- This does not show some changes, like images, so you should scan the original email too.
- At the bottom of the original topic, you can view any older version (click the numbers) or comparisons ("<") by clicking on the list. (Doesn't work for our case of comparing one day to the next because there are usually several revisions before the final one, so you have to use the "Compare Revisions" function.
If you have:
- lists of emails that should be subscribed
- events or notices that should be included
- needs or wants to request from our supporters
- specific requests for volunteers
and we'll work to get that information included in this daily update.
Edited by Email Blast Team:
- Ray Lutz
- Josephine P.
- Jason Packman
- Jay Jayakumar
- Benjamin Knob (GA reports)
- Occupy San Diego project page in "Common" web: Occupy San Diego
- New Occupy Project (new web): Occupy Web -- we will be migrating to this new web.