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Letter to all GA counties: Save and Secure ballot images for recount

Citizens Oversight (2020-11-13) Ray Lutz

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Ballot images can thwart changes to paper ballots or magically losing or finding new ballots in the recount.

Citizens' Oversight, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization, today sent a request to keep the images.


All Georgia counties must PRESERVE and SECURE all ballot image files, to thwart any magical changes to the ballots themselves to change the election.

Read the letter:

Ray Lutz, Citizens' Oversight Executive Director said, "We have seen it before, ballots that seem to change overnight as they sit in the warehouse, with extra marks that may cause overvotes or X's through bubbles. Ballots can magically appear or disappear.

"By preserving the ballot images, we can make sure the paper ballots recounted in Georgia match ballot images that were made on election night, and are not modified by any unscrupulous campaign operatives. This contest will not change the overall outcome, even if Georgia goes to Trump, but such discrepancies may allow all other states to be questioned."

The letter to the counties includes a request to list all the ballot image files that are being preserved, without actually getting the ballot image data. However, Citizens Oversight also suggested that if the counties would rather turn over all the ballot image data, that would be even better.

Citizens Oversight is now in the process of utilizing a new cloud-based auditing service called "AuditEngine" which can read all the ballot images and create an independent total. But certainly a full hand count is even better, but it has the small possibility that the paper ballots may be changed.

Learn more about Audit Engine here: --

Ray Lutz Citizens' Oversight Projects (COPs) 619-820-5321

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Media Form edit

Title Letter to all GA counties: Save and Secure ballot images for recount
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2020-11-13
Media Link to GA Counties to save ballot images in recount.pdf
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Keywords Election Integrity
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Media Type Article, PDF
Media Group News, News Release, Audit, Letter
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Letter to GA Counties to save ballot images in recount.pdfpdf Letter to GA Counties to save ballot images in recount.pdf manage 97 K 13 Nov 2020 - 22:53 Raymond Lutz Letter actually attached.
Topic revision: r2 - 23 Jul 2024, RaymondLutz
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