Information about the Harris Ranch Fire. I would appreciate your help in maintaining this page. (Just register and you can help edit it).
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Contacted the San Diego office of Cal Fire and requested a fire investigation report for the Harris Fire. As of April 6, 2009, they have no suspects for the start of the fire but said it was human-caused, likely by a cooking fire by an undocumented immigrant. However, the proximity of the fire to the Blackwater Potrero site caused many to wonder about the possible causes of this fire. They refused to provide an investigation report.
Confirmed Damaged or Destroyed Structures (Residential & Non-Residential)
Field Assessments Performed October 23rd, 24th & 25th 2007
If your property was damaged by the wildfires but does not appear on this
list, please call the DPLU Building Division Wildfire Hotline at (858)
694ยท3876 before clearing your property. Please also contact FEMA and your
insurance company before clearing.
What To Do After A Wildfire - tips of what to do from the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health