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Raymond Lutz -- Citizens Oversight

  • Former Candidate, U.S. Congress, 52nd District, 2010
  • Former Candidate, California 77th State Assembly District, 2008

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Short Bio

Ray Lutz, born in southern California founded "Citizens' Oversight Projects" (COPs) to empower citizens to provide oversight over our democracy.

With Masters of Science degree in electronics engineering from SDSU, he specialized in the office equipment industry, founding the Multifunction Products Association (MFPA) and drafting national and international standards, including a role as technical liaison to the United Nations sponsored International Telecommunications Union (ITU). More recently, Lutz has developed a number of products for the biofeedback and neurofeedback industry to provide drug-free treatment for ADHD, PTSD, and Autism patients, among others. Most recently (2008-present) Ray has been involved in election integrity issues, including a recent successful election audit fraud lawsuit against San Diego County. Also, Ray has been an intervenor at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) regarding the shutdown of the San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station (SONGS), how the $3.3 billion plant shut-down costs would be distributed, and to stop the proposed nuclear waste dump in the area.

As of 2019, Lutz directed COPS to focus on the development of Audit Engine, a ballot image auditing platform that runs in the cloud, harnessing the power of up to 10,000 virtual machines running in parallel to fully retabulate election results based on the official ballot images, including OCR (optical character recognition) of voter-verifiable text on summary cards printed by Ballot Marking Devices (BMDs) and therefore avoiding unverifiable barcodes. These results can be compared on a ballot-by-ballot basis with the

Ray and his wife reside near Mt. Helix in the unincorporated San Diego county area, and have two grown sons that reside currently in California.

INTRO -- Use when introducing Ray at events

Ray Lutz, trained as an engineer in electronics and software (MSEE), founded Citizens Oversight in 2007 to enable civic engagement. Ran for U.S. Congress and State Assembly seats. He has been active in the San Onofre nuclear plant shutdown, won $775 million for ratepayers in nuclear bailout negotiations, and has been recently improving election integrity with intense oversight of election processing with the development of "AuditEngine," a ballot-image auditing platform In 2016, he sued the County of San Diego for election audit fraud and won. His website is

  • Headshot Paradise Point:

  • Ray presenting:

Contact Form edit

Organization Citizens Oversight
Name Last Lutz
Name First Raymond
Position Title
Address 1010 Old Chase Ave,
City State Zip El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone1 619-820-5321
Type Candidate
Note Primary contributor to this site; Candidate, 52nd CD; former candidate, 77th AD
Superior Entity
Thumbnail Link
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
BookCoverStainedGlass-Front-Only200x309.jpgjpg BookCoverStainedGlass-Front-Only200x309.jpg manage 41 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:22 Raymond Lutz Coils of the Serpent novel
LutzHeadshotBlueTie.jpgjpg LutzHeadshotBlueTie.jpg manage 171 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:22 Raymond Lutz Headshot, Blue Tie
RCL_Headshot_2007_LaJolla.jpgjpg RCL_Headshot_2007_LaJolla.jpg manage 88 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:22 Raymond Lutz Headshot, Raymond Lutz, in La Jolla
RCL_Headshot_2007_LaJolla_cropped348x433.jpgjpg RCL_Headshot_2007_LaJolla_cropped348x433.jpg manage 49 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:22 Raymond Lutz Headshot in La Jolla, cropped
RCL_Rsme_0703.pdfpdf RCL_Rsme_0703.pdf manage 114 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:22 Raymond Lutz Technical Resume
RCLwithMicrophone1065x1065.jpgjpg RCLwithMicrophone1065x1065.jpg manage 144 K 26 Jun 2014 - 21:22 Raymond Lutz Raymond at East County Unity Picnic, August, 2008
RayInBoston.jpgjpg RayInBoston.jpg manage 102 K 20 May 2017 - 03:17 Raymond Lutz  
RayLutz+AmyGoodman.jpgjpg RayLutz+AmyGoodman.jpg manage 1 MB 20 May 2017 - 03:18 Raymond Lutz Ray and Amy
RayLutzHeadShot.JPGJPG RayLutzHeadShot.JPG manage 28 K 20 May 2017 - 03:16 Raymond Lutz  
RayLutzHeadshot2.JPGJPG RayLutzHeadshot2.JPG manage 34 K 20 May 2017 - 03:16 Raymond Lutz  
RayParadisePoint_edited.jpgjpg RayParadisePoint_edited.jpg manage 186 K 02 Oct 2023 - 17:35 Raymond Lutz Headshot Paradise Point
RayParadisePoint_noShirt.jpgjpg RayParadisePoint_noShirt.jpg manage 186 K 13 Sep 2019 - 16:17 Raymond Lutz Ray Lutz in 2019
_DSC0044.JPGJPG _DSC0044.JPG manage 3 MB 18 Sep 2017 - 23:43 Raymond Lutz Ray in front of San Onofre image
_DSC0251.JPGJPG _DSC0251.JPG manage 1 MB 02 Oct 2023 - 17:37 Raymond Lutz Ray presenting
Topic revision: r50 - 02 Oct 2023, RaymondLutz
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