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CPRA Request to San Diego Registrar of Voters on Nov 2010 Election

Citizens Oversight (2011-01-24) Registrar Of Voters

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The following was the request to the San Diego County Registrar Of Voters:

  1. All audit logs from the central tabulator and precinct machines.
  2. The "Windows Event Log" from the central tabulator.
  3. A "directory listing" from the central tabulator. This basically translates the "file allocation table" (which is itself a public record) into a file that can be easily copied. The command to do so (at the "DOS prompt" or "command line") is:

    dir c:\*.* /s > c:\dirlist.txt

    That command creates the file "dirlist.txt" at the top level of the "C:" hard disk. Then, copy that file onto the CD.
  4. Copies of the central tabulator database files, as "snapshots in time": in other words, one snapshot from just after the pre-election Logic & Accuracy test, and one from each day's processing of the votes, up through to the copy that contains a complete record of the vote.

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Title CPRA Request to San Diego Registrar of Voters on Nov 2010 Election
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Registrar Of Voters
Pub Date 2011-01-24
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Note Large zip file, 3.98GB. Citizens Oversight
Keywords Election Integrity
Media Type File
Media Group Govt Doc
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Topic revision: r6 - 21 Oct 2015, RaymondLutz
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