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Group Tries to Place Mayor Under Citizen's Arrest

San Diego 6 (2012-01-30) Lindsay Hood

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By Lindsay Hood

Story Published: Jan 30, 2012 at 11:31 AM PST

Story Updated: Jan 30, 2012 at 11:31 AM PST

Mayor Sanders under arrest? A local group called the Citizen's Oversight Project attempted to place Sanders under citizen's arrest Monday.

The group marched into Sanders' office around 10 a.m. demanding to place the mayor under arrest. The group says the Mayor is guilty of felony embezzlement.

Cops alleges the Mayor's agreement with Qualcomm to temporarily rename the stadium to promote their Snapdragon project for $1000 was unlawful because it squandered the city's assets.

"The Mayor's actions are clearly unlawful,” COPs organizer Ray Lutz said in a media release. “The City Attorney told the Mayor that changing the name of the

stadium was unlawful prior to the name change, but the Mayor went ahead unlawfully, allowing Qualcomm to obtain promotional exposure of their new product

'Snapdragon' before more than 30 million TV viewers, radio listeners, and attendees. Sanders charged Qualcomm a paltry $1000, far below market rates.

Furthermore, the contract was executed after the fact, was embarrassingly brief, and ruled void because it was not approved by the City Council or the City Attorney.”

The group says the Mayor lost $125,000 in potential income for the city.


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Title Group Tries to Place Mayor Under Citizen's Arrest
Publisher San Diego 6
Author Lindsay Hood
Pub Date 2012-01-30
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Note Snap Dragon Jerry Sanders Ray Lutz
Media Type Linked Article
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Topic revision: r2 - 03 Aug 2014, RaymondLutz
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