CPUC (I.12-10-013) Order Instituting Investigation (OII) for San Onofre
California Public Utilities Commission (2012-10-25)
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https://copswiki.org/Common/M1315Media Link:
https://copswiki.org/w/pub/Common/M1315/San_Onofre_Investigation_OII_Draft_30511880.pdf%20type%3d%22html%22More Info:
Shut San Onofre
We are still investigating this, but it appears that they may vote on this at the Oct 25 CPUC meeting in Irvine.
"Order Instituting Investigation on the
Commission’s Own Motion into the Rates,
Operations, Practices, Services and Facilities
of Southern California Edison Company
and San Diego Gas and Electric Company
Associated with the San Onofre Nuclear
Generating Station Units 2 and 3."
The CPUC is expecting to be notified by the utilities that the San Onofre plant has been out of operation for 9 months soon. As soon as that happens, the CPUC will investigate readjusting rates to eliminate the cost of San Onofre from the ratepayer's liability. Also, they are planning to perform a reasonableness review of the $671 million charge for the Steam Generator Replacement Project (SGRP), which means that they may find that the shareholder should be liable for those charges and not the ratepayer.
If approved, the Prehearing conference is scheduled for early 2013 and they say it will take about 18 months after that to complete the process.
Most of the document below is the lengthy NRC Augmented Inspection Team Report. The CPUC draft order is the first 25 pages.