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Activist wants hearing on nuke plant licensing

Fox 5 News (2012-12-06) Kristina Lee

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More Info: San Onofre License Amendment Intervention, Shut San Onofre

SAN DIEGO – Citizens’ Oversight Project activist Raymond Lutz asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Wednesday to hold a formal hearing on changes to Southern California Edison’s license for the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant.

Before a panel of lawyers and board members at the NRC headquarters in Maryland, Lutz appeared via video conference and argued the changes to the frequency of hundreds of inspections would keep the public out of the loop.

“Edison wants to try to keep hearings from happening and that makes it so the public cannot watch them,” said Lutz. “They want to run the plant the way they want.”

Lawyers from the NRC staff and Edison argued against a hearing. They said Lutz missed the deadline to file and they also argued Lutz has no right to demand a hearing because he doesn’t live near the plant.

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“Citizens’ Oversight has not provided any affidavits from those who live within 15 minutes of the plant,” said Edison’s attorney Steven Frantz.

Edison’s attorney also argued the change was meant to give Edison more flexibility in order to run the plant more efficiently. Lutz disagrees.

“But this means the NRC doesn’t get reports if they change it and the NRC doesn’t get to regulate,” said Lutz

The NRC board is expected to make a decision in January whether to grant a full hearing on the changes.

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Title Activist wants hearing on nuke plant licensing
Publisher Fox 5 News
Author Kristina Lee
Pub Date 2012-12-06
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Keywords San Onofre License Amendment Intervention, Shut San Onofre
Media Type Video
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r1 - 09 Dec 2012, RaymondLutz
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