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2-Vote Margin, 15 Rejected Legit Ballots, 1 Notorious Election Official: KPFK 'BradCast'

Brad Blog (2015-01-28) Brad Friedman

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2-Vote Margin, 15 Rejected Legit Ballots, 1 Notorious Election Official: KPFK 'BradCast'

GUEST: Attorney John S. Moot | AND: Much more...

By BRAD FRIEDMAN on 1/28/2015, 6:45pm PT

If you were looking for a fresh reminder as to why Vote-by-Mail is a terrible idea, why provisional ballots are not the same as actually casting a vote, and why there needs to be moreaccountability for and oversight of election officials, today's BradCaston KPFK/ Pacifica Radioshould fit the bill.

In short, we cover the election contest now pending in the race for City Council (Seat 1) in the San Diego County city of Chula Vista, CA. The certified results from the November 2014 election show a 2-vote margin between the John Mc Cann (R) and Steve Padilla (D) in a race with some 37,000 ballots cast. Mc Cann has been certified as the "winner".

Trouble is, according to the lawsuit [PDF], at least 15 mail-in and provisional ballots were rejected, even though the signatures on them matched the signatures from the voters' registrations on file. That, argues attorney John S. Moot (my guest this week, and a former Chula Vista City Council Member himself), is in violation of the law.

The other trouble is, those ballots were rejected by San Diego County Registrar Michael Vu, who was the infamous Election Director of Cuyahoga County, Ohio's most populist (and most Democratic) county during the 2004 Presidential election, when two of his immediate subordinates were indicted and found guilty of rigging the Presidential "recount" in Cuyahoga. Yes, if you didn't know or don't remember, there was a partial "recount" of that election, across the entire Buckeye State, as requested by the Green and Libertarian Parties. And, yes, it was found to have been rigged in a court of law.

Vu, who was protected at the time by the Republicans who ran the Cuyahoga Election Board, was never charged and was happily hired not long thereafter by San Diego County, where elections have been little more than a joke for many years, even before Vu got there.

For the full story on this, listen to this week's show and Moot's commentary on the suit he's filed on behalf of his client, a long-time poll worker and voter from Chula Vista.

ALSO on this week's program: Accountability, finally, for an election official elsewhere ( in St. Louis County, MO), and the fake "voter fraud" activist set to testify at AG-nominee Loretta Lynch's very real U.S. Senate nomination proceedings. Plus, as usual, much more, including Desi Doyen with the latest Green News Report.



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Title 2-Vote Margin, 15 Rejected Legit Ballots, 1 Notorious Election Official: KPFK 'BradCast'
Publisher Brad Blog
Author Brad Friedman
Pub Date 2015-01-28
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Note Brad provides great background and coverage of the Chula Vista election missteps by San Diego Registrar Michael Vu
Keywords Election Integrity
Related Keywords Easy Voting
Media Type Linked Article, Audio
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
BradCast_BradFriedman_JohnSMoot_ChulaVistaContest_012815.mp3mp3 BradCast_BradFriedman_JohnSMoot_ChulaVistaContest_012815.mp3 manage 52 MB 01 Feb 2015 - 18:55 Raymond Lutz Interview of Attorney John S. Moot and background on Michael Vu regarding contest of election of Chula Vista City Council
Topic revision: r6 - 27 Jul 2017, RaymondLutz
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