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CPUC ALJ Darling / SCE Russell Worden Emails of 2012-12-05

California Public Utilities Commission (2015-05-22)

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More Info: California Public Utilities Commission, Shut San Onofre, Stop The Unfair Settlement

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For your convenience and to allow easier indexed searches, the files have been converted to text below. Quoted sections (repeats) have been omitted. Highlighting added.

  • PRA1365-00001.pdf: 12/4/2012 2:38:41 PM -- SCE emails phone number of Russell Worden to ALJ Darling.
From: [KrisNyas@sce.corn] 
Sent: 12/4/2012 2:38:41 PM 
Subject: Russ Worden

Judge Darling: 
Russ Worden's office number is 626-302-4177. I apologize -- I sent this to 
you yesterday but for some reason it appears my original email did not go 

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. 


From: [Russell.Worden@sce.corn] 
Sent: 12/5/2012 6:38:37 PM 
To: Darling, Melanie [] 

Subject: SONGS OII - Follow up questions 

ALJ Darling: 

I have a couple of follow-up items in the wake of our discussion yesterday. 

1. Do you want SCE to notify all customers about the upcoming Public Participation Hearing, or just customers in selected zip codes perhaps in the southern region of SCE's service territory? In the case of the windstorm hearing, we sent a postcard to customers across the region affected by the storm. 

2. Upon reflection, I think I have an obligation to file an ex parte notice recounting my end of our conversation yesterday. If you feel differently, please let me know and I won't file. 

3. Jim Walsh, counsel for SDG&E will call you today about his company's role in the hearing. 

4. I have been working with Eric Greene about the status of the various root cause analyses, and Commission access to them. As soon as I get clarification internally, I'll forward copies to him. I hope today or before week's end. 



626/ 302-4177 


From: Darling, Melanie [] 
Sent: 12/5/2012 8:14:11 PM 
Subject: RE: SONGS OII - Follow up questions 
Mr. Worden: I don't recall going beyond procedural matters, including broad concept of phases of testimony. Do you refer to my query about the arbitration? 
ALJ Darling


From: [] 
Sent: 12/5/2012 9:17:39 PM 
To: Darling, Melanie [] 
Subject: RE: SONGS OII - Follow up questions 

Your Honor: 

I agree that the bulk of discussion was on the procedural and logistical issues surrounding the public hearing and phasing of the OII.  

My recollection is that I made some observations about SCE's interface with MHI, the terms of the arbitration under the contract and SCE's expectations about recovery of damages. And, that SCE had been working closely with MHI at the SONGS site to understand what had gone wrong with the replacement steam generators. I also volunteered my understanding of what root cause analyses had been performed to date, and whether or not MHI considers part of its root cause evaluation to be proprietary because of the FIT III software used to model the steam generator design. 

I will follow your direction on this. 





From: Darling, Melanie [] 
Sent: 12/5/2012 9:55:34 PM 
Subject: RE: SONGS OII - Follow up questions 

Mr. Worden: I appreciate your scrupulous attention to the rules. To the extent your comments exceeded provision of the procedural status of any SGRP litigation (i.e., an arbitration could commence in CA in 2013) in relation to possible timing of the OII phases, and widely reported information (e.g., SCE & MHI are working together to discover what went wrong), 

I can see where you could find a comment or two reportable ( e.g.,no internal root cause analysis has been completed, whether the MHI report provided to NRC was publicly available.) 
ALJ Darling 


From: [] 
Sent: 12/5/2012 10:02:20 PM 
To: Darling, Melanie []
 Subject: RE: SONGS OII - Follow up questions
ALJ Darling: 

My plan would then be to file the ex parte notice and limit it to my comments on these few issues. 

When you get a moment, I'd be grateful if you could consider my other question -- whether you would like SCE to notice the public hearing to all customers throughout the service territory, or a regional notice to the customers in the southern end of the SCE service territory. 

Thanks very much, 



Actual Ex Parte Notice As Filed

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Title CPUC ALJ Darling / SCE Russell Worden Emails of 2012-12-05
Publisher California Public Utilities Commission
Pub Date 2015-05-22
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Note Ex parte communications on San Onofre Investigation
Keywords California Public Utilities Commission, Shut San Onofre, Stop The Unfair Settlement
Media Type Article, PDF, Dataset
Media Group News, Govt Doc, CPRA
Curator Rating Plain
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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Exparte_Notice_Filed_by_SCE_on_2012-12-07_re_Darling_Worden_Phonecall-39600668.PDFPDF Exparte_Notice_Filed_by_SCE_on_2012-12-07_re_Darling_Worden_Phonecall-39600668.PDF manage 108 K 04 Jun 2015 - 16:12 Raymond Lutz Exparte Notice Filed by SCE on 2012-12-07 re Darling Worden Phonecall
PRA1365-00001.pdfpdf PRA1365-00001.pdf manage 12 K 04 Jun 2015 - 15:16 Raymond Lutz 12/4/2012 2:38:41 PM -- SCE emails phone number of Russell Worden to ALJ Darling.
PRA1365-00002.pdfpdf PRA1365-00002.pdf manage 36 K 04 Jun 2015 - 15:19 Raymond Lutz 12/5/2012 6:38:37 PM SUBJ: SONGS OII - Followup Questions
PRA1365-00003.pdfpdf PRA1365-00003.pdf manage 499 K 04 Jun 2015 - 15:20 Raymond Lutz 12/5/2012 8:14:11 PM SUBJ: RE:SONGS OII - Followup questions
PRA1365-00004.pdfpdf PRA1365-00004.pdf manage 592 K 04 Jun 2015 - 15:21 Raymond Lutz 12/5/2012 9:17:39 PM SUBJ: RE:SONGS OII - Followup questions
PRA1365-00006.pdfpdf PRA1365-00006.pdf manage 1 MB 04 Jun 2015 - 15:22 Raymond Lutz 12/5/2012 9:55:34 PM SUBJ: RE:SONGS OII - Followup questions
PRA1365-00008.pdfpdf PRA1365-00008.pdf manage 1 MB 04 Jun 2015 - 15:23 Raymond Lutz 12/5/2012 10:02:20 PM SUBJ: RE:SONGS OII - Followup questions
Topic revision: r2 - 01 Jul 2015, RaymondLutz
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