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Naked America -- Nuclear Power, Insurance and Health

KCET (2016-01-14) Earth Focus

This Page: https://copswiki.org/Common/M1631
Media Link: http://bcove.me/gvlufh5n%20type%3d%22html%22
Remote Link: http://bcove.me/gvlufh5n%20type%3d%22html%22
More Info: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Waste, Shut San Onofre

"Going naked" is a term the insurance industry uses to describe not having insurance. And when it comes to the worst hazards of nuclear power, America is going naked. Correspondent Miles Benson investigates why the U.S. nuclear power industry is underinsured by hundreds of billions of dollars. He also speaks with Australian physician, author, and nuclear industry critic Dr. Helen Caldicott on the health effects of nuclear radiation, which include cancer, fetal damage, and genetic mutation.


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Title Naked America -- Nuclear Power, Insurance and Health
Publisher KCET
Author Earth Focus
Pub Date 2016-01-14
Media Link http://bcove.me/gvlufh5n
Remote Link http://bcove.me/gvlufh5n
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Note "Going naked" is a term the insurance industry uses to describe not having insurance. And when it comes to the worst hazards of nuclear power, America is going naked. Correspondent Miles Benson investigates why the U.S. nuclear power industry is underinsured by hundreds of billions of dollars. He also speaks with Australian physician, author, and nuclear industry critic Dr. Helen Caldicott on the health effects of nuclear radiation, which include cancer, fetal damage, and genetic mutation.
Keywords Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Waste, Shut San Onofre
Media Type Linked Article, Video
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
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Topic revision: r3 - 17 Jan 2016, RaymondLutz
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