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Marion County, Florida choosing random race and precincts for tally of 2016-08-30 primary

Citizens Oversight (2016-09-01) Margaret Carlock

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More Info: Election Integrity, Election Team, Random Draw Oversight

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Comments, first video:
  • Left to right: Supervisor of Elections (SOE), Wesley Wilcox, Judge Jim McCune, Matthew Minter.
  • Would have been better to get shot of ball before he put it back in the cage.
  • They should turn the crank a few times before the door is opened to the selection chute.
Comments, second video:
  • Audio sort of difficult to hear.

  • List of races and assigned letters used in the random draw:
    Full Size

It appears that a "recount" will occur, which will allow them to avoid the audit. See

Recount Notice

UPDATE: A manual recount is scheduled for 9/5/2016 at 10:00 a.m.

"Machine recount" is not a "Manual Count"

The automated audit gives us no way to check that the scanning software is not hacked. Sure, the software gives two results that are the same. Could be that the scanning system that is set up with the same hack two times in a row, since it is the same software and hardware. This is hardly a substitute for a manual audit!

Florida Election code, 105.591, concerns the manual audit requirements. Section 6 is relevant to this issue:

(6) If a manual recount is undertaken pursuant to s. 102.166, the canvassing board is not required to perform the audit provided for in this section.


We will need to ask the election officials this question:
"Since according to Florida election code section 101.591 (6) the audit can only be avoided if a MANUAL RECOUNT is performed, and since no manual recount was performed, (only a machine audit) will the manual audit start at the time previously scheduled?"



This recount followed a machine count on Saturday, 9/3/2016. The rule in Florida indicates if a race is closer than a half percent, a manual recount will be ordered. If it is closer than a quarter percent, a manual recount is ordered. The bad: it is only a count of overvotes and undervotes (ballots in which a voter marked more than one choice or no choices in that race). The following videos are illustrative of this recount. The canvassing board is again comprised of the Supervisor of Elections for Marion County, Wesley Wilcox, County Judge Jim McCune, and the representative from the County Commissioners, Matthew Minter.

This recount is regarding Congressional District 2.

Manual Recount video 1
  • Here, they mainly dealt with the public notice and whether it was proper.
  • Started the Pledge of Allegiance.

video 2
  • Here they approve the agenda
  • Describe that they have the ballots already separated out, precinct by precinct, by the machine which detected any ballots without any votes for that race.
  • They describe how they plan to review the ballots for any marks
  • The proceed to check several precincts.
  • They encounter one ballot which they have to double check.

video 3
  • A portion of the review of undervotes and overvotes was omitted from the video.
  • This part picks up and completes it to the end.

This final video presents an explanation of the fact that an audit is no longer required.

Comments by Ray Lutz after review of the videos
  • They rely completely on the machine to provide the set of ballots which have undervotes.
    • Board should at least look through the other ballots and check that they did show votes.
    • Could easily create a total using sort-and-stack method.
  • They did not total up the total number of undervotes and add it to the number of votes to see if it matches the total number of ballots cast.
  • The last ballot taken out of the sleeve seems to show no vote but they said it was over-voted. It seemed to me that the marks were on the sprocket holes. I may have misunderstood what they were saying.
  • COPs should request the tally sheets so we can do our own check of the total, since they did not do that.
  • Would like to know how the ballots were initially removed from secure precinct boxes and run through the scanner to get to this point.


Media Form edit

Title Marion County, Florida choosing random race and precincts for tally of 2016-08-30 primary
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Margaret Carlock
Pub Date 2016-09-01
Media Link,
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Forum Link
Note FL_Marion
Keywords Election Integrity, Election Team, Random Draw Oversight
Related Keywords
Media Type Video
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Author Name Sortable
Thumbnail Link
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
IMG_4929.JPGJPG IMG_4929.JPG manage 1 MB 04 Sep 2016 - 01:35 Raymond Lutz List of races and assigned letters used in the random draw
Marion_Manual_Recount_Precint_Votes.pdfpdf Marion_Manual_Recount_Precint_Votes.pdf manage 388 K 14 Sep 2016 - 13:03 Margaret Carlock Tally sheet for manual recount. Matches under/overvote counts by precinct.
Recount_Public_Meeting_Notice.pdfpdf Recount_Public_Meeting_Notice.pdf manage 81 K 04 Sep 2016 - 01:09 Raymond Lutz Recount Public Meeting Notice
tweet_on_recount.JPGJPG tweet_on_recount.JPG manage 25 K 04 Sep 2016 - 14:40 Margaret Carlock Twitter Notice of Recount Results
Topic revision: r18 - 19 Jun 2018, RaymondLutz
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