California Coastal Commission San Onofre Decommissioning Application

Citizens Oversight (2019-10-17) Ray Lutz

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More Info: Stop Nuke Dump

Estimate is this will not be heard until 9:30am

KEY ISSUE is the planned demolition of the spent fuel pools with no other plan in place should there be a leaking canister. Most of this project is about the DEMOLITION of the plant and it does not directly bear on the spent fuel facility except for the lack of any recourse in terms of dealing with a leaking canister esp. when they begin to remove the waste from the site.

ORANGE COUNTY attendees may want to take the Amtrak Pacific Surfliner (7:23 from San Juan Capistranao) to SAN Santa Fe Station, arriving at 8:58am and Uber/Lyft to Chula Vista which should take about 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can take the BLUE LINE trolley south and walk about 2-3 minutes. Leaves at 9:02 so you have 4 minutes if all goes well. The Trolley takes about 45 minutes to get there.

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Title California Coastal Commission San Onofre Decommissioning Application
Publisher Citizens Oversight
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2019-10-17
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Keywords Stop Nuke Dump
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Media Type Meeting
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
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Topic revision: r2 - 17 Oct 2019, RaymondLutz
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