Ray Lutz presents 'Beauty and the Beast: San Onofre Waste on the Beach'

Citizens Oversight and The Laguna Beach Beautification Council (2019-11-20) Ray Lutz

This Page: https://copswiki.org/Common/M1932
More Info: Stop Nuke Dump
Venue: Montage Resort

I have spoken with Ray Lutz, recommending the program I’ve captioned as, Beauty and The Beast to align with the healthy environment beauty relies on and in harmony with LBBC mission to provide guidance and recommendations for cleanliness and beauty of coastline, parks, and public spaces .

As all rely on a healthy productive environment, human Impact and climate change are causing disappearing beaches, polluted streams and oceans, degrading earth and diminishing native habitats affecting the physical, social and economic well-being of communities here and around the world.

San Onofre (SONGS) even though “closed,” poses an imminent threat to what is healthy and beautiful; nuclear waste storage on a fault at the edge of the coast and rising sea levels and contaminated outfall puts all of what is beautiful at risk.

The LBBC advocates a clean well -tended community and an environment that support habitats , including human, dependent on a safe infrastructures to thrive; our mission must include educating, promoting and helping steward closure and safe storage of nuclear waste without which nothing, including “beautification” recommendations, have value.

The focus on San Onofre as a clear and present danger to life, health and beauty is our program’s subject- it is the beast lurking just south without stringent safety procedures and a plan for long-term storage it threatens beauty.

Ray Lutz, a trained engineer, founder and executive director of Citizens Oversight, will present on the dangerous situation at San Onofre, where 3.6 million pounds of extremely toxic heavy metal waste is stored only about 100 feet from the ocean and literally inches over the high-water mark. With experts now warning that sea-level rise is inevitable, with now Greenland and the Antarctic predicted to completely melt and the oceans rising approximately 210 feet, the waste at San Onofre must be moved away from the coast and to higher ground. Mr. Lutz will outline the lawsuits filed to stop the waste from being placed there and the progress in getting it moved to a safer location.

Mr. Lutz has a Master's degree in electrical and computer engineering and has been active on San Onofre most particularly since the emergency shut down on January 31, 2012. He has represented rate-payer interests at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in the San Onofre closure costs and decommissioning proceedings. Citizens Oversight sued the CPUC and Southern California Edison (SCE) in federal court which eventually encouraged an improvement in the closure costs by $775 million.

Note: Seating is very limited. Please RSVP in advance by sending an email to Leah Vasquez.

Common Calendar Entry

  • 20 Nov 2019 - Ray Lutz presents "Beauty and the Beast -- how can we deal with the San Onofre nuclear waste dump" at the The Laguna Beach Beautification Council’s Program, Montage Resort, 30801 S Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (6-7:30 pm) RSVP:please email Leah Vasquez at leahvasquez@cox.net Details


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Title Ray Lutz presents 'Beauty and the Beast: San Onofre Waste on the Beach'
Publisher Citizens Oversight and The Laguna Beach Beautification Council
Author Ray Lutz
Pub Date 2019-11-20
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Keywords Stop Nuke Dump
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Media Type Presentation, Meeting
Media Group News
Curator Rating Plain
Venue Montage Resort
Author Name Sortable
Thumbnail Link FBEventCover-2019-11-20_SanOnofreEvent.jpg
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
FBEventCover-2019-11-20_SanOnofreEvent.jpgjpg FBEventCover-2019-11-20_SanOnofreEvent.jpg manage 78 K 08 Nov 2019 - 23:16 Raymond Lutz  
Topic revision: r1 - 08 Nov 2019, RaymondLutz
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